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The Science of Diplomacy

Posted on Sat Jun 8th, 2019 @ 11:32pm by Grace Winters PhD & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

1,297 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Science


Grace saved science for last, mostly because it was the department that fascinated her the most. There was always something different going on each time she visited. So she went in search of the Chief Science Officer.

Isabella hummed softly as she walked through the hydroponics lab. It was mostly deserted, with repairs elsewhere taking the attention of just about everyone on the ship. The labs had been mostly restored to some form of working order, and for that Isabella was grateful. Hydroponics was one of her favorite areas of the ship, and just seeing that the majority of the work that was being done there had survived brought a feeling of relief and calm.

"How do you find time to run science while being the First Officer?" Grace asked from the doorway.

Startled, Isabella jumped slightly and turned towards the doorway, smiling towards the diplomatic officer when she saw who was standing there. Making her way over to the doorway, she offered a small shrug of the shoulders. "I try to split my time between the bridge and the labs, and to be honest it doesn't always work out to my liking. I usually have the bridge in the mornings and check in on science in the afternoons. It helps to have a really good staff in science as well," she said.

"It would be imperative," Grace said, smiling. "You must make it work, or Starfleet would insist you choose one or the other. It's rare anymore to see a First Officer with another position."

"I do my best," Isabella said, offering a slight smile. "Although I will admit that I do get overwhelmed from time to time. The Endeavour has a good science staff, but no supporting command staff. My argument for the arrangement was that Starfleet ships used to require first officers to hold a secondary position and that we needed a chief science officer. It made sense at the time, and no one argued against it."

"And they won't, as long as you continue to make it work," Grace replied, smiling. "I imagine it's also good to have somewhere to go to where you're just a scientist."

"I do enjoy it a lot more than my first 'career'," Isabella said with a small, affirming nod. "And I've found that it helps to have somewhere to go to get away when my duties as executive officer get to be too much. It does happen, and when it does I like to just go down to one of the labs and lock myself inside for a few hours."

Grace nodded. "I think it's a good way to keep balance. What is your specialty?"

"I have bachelor’s degrees in stellar, life, and planetary sciences, but my focus is in planetary science," Isabella replied.

Grace nodded. "Very nice."

The doors opened to reveal a short, almost petite Japanese woman wearing a hand phaser and a scowl. Stepping through the doors, she scanned the room and stopped when she saw a woman she didn't know and the first officer. Relaxing her glare, she nodded. "Commander, I didn't realize that you were down here. The internal sensors were just repaired and I hadn't been informed that science was back online," she said.

Isabella smiled towards the chief of security and tactical and raised her hand to wave off the other woman's concern. "Most of the labs are still being worked on, but I was inspecting the status of the projects in hydroponics to see how much work had been lost," she said. Turning her attention back to Miss Winters, she indicated the diplomatic officer. "Have you met Miss Winters, our new diplomatic officer, yet?"

Grace bowed. "I arrived yesterday."

"I know, I saw the requests for two new security clearances for diplomatic staff," Akira said as she bowed. "I've been too busy keeping an eye on the repair teams so I haven't had time to track down every new member of the crew. But welcome."

"That seems to be a problem with most of the crew," Grace said. "You have more important things to deal with than a new diplomat. I do hope we'll have a chance to work together at some point."

"I'm sure that we will. And I'm sure that we'll see each other around, the Endeavour's not a big ship after all," Akira said.

"No, it isn't. That's one of the things I like about the ship. I'll have a chance to get to know the names of most of the crew."

"I'm quite sure that everyone will have that opportunity once we're underway again," Isabella said. Indeed, she was hopeful that the Endeavour would be put through another, if even brief, shakedown cruise if for no other reason than to allow the crew the chance to come together.

"If not, perhaps something can be arranged?" Grace asked. "To allow the crew--especially the senior staff--to get together off-duty."

"That can easily be arranged, especially now that we're not going anywhere or getting involved in anything until repairs are completed," Isabella said. "Perhaps something in the holo-deck or the lounge?"

"Yes." Grace thought for a minute. "Yes, the holodeck could work well. Do you have any suggestions? You know the crew better than I do. Would they like a treasure hunt on a deserted island, or a luau?"

"Perhaps a luau style party on a deserted island, probably on the beach?" Akira suggested.

Grace nodded. "Yes, I think that would be best." She looked at the other two women. "If it's all right with you, I'll set it up."

"Well, that's outside my sphere of influence, but I can promise that security won't interrupt us if we get too loud," Akira said with a smile.

Grace smiled back. "That would be appreciated. Although I hope it will not get too out of hand."

"Miss Winters, you do not know this crew very well," Isabella said with a small laugh. "Getting out of hand is a past time of this crew, especially when there is a party involved. Our relaunch celebration on Earth ended up involving local law enforcement and Starfleet Security. Granted, there were specialized circumstances involved in that situation. I don't see there being a problem, but you can never know what may happen."

The diplomat laughed. "Then I see my work is cut out for me. I will endeavour to find the right balance between order and chaos to suit everyone. To be honest, it will be a nice change from some of my more formal assignments."

"Formality is definitely something that the Endeavour could use more of on occasion, however I'm afraid that you'll find the crew a little more relaxed than what you're more than likely used to," Isabella said. "I'll admit that a dedicated and trained diplomatic specialist is something that this ship has needed for quite some time."

"I think I'll find my way around," Grace assured her. "Diplomats have many roles to fill. I've spent time in a very formal setting, a change will be refreshing. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some preparations to make."

"I look forward to the event, Miss Winters," Isabella said. "I'm sure that it will be a pleasantly welcomed distraction from our current situation."

Grace bowed. "As do I, commander."

Akira bowed slightly and turned to leave the lab. Knowing the crew as she did, she was sure that the party would be an excuse for any number of problems to arise throughout the evening. She had security arrangements to make in hopes of avoiding too many problems from happening, or at least getting out of hand.


Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Chief Science Officer
Executive Officer

Grace Winters
Diplomat & Counselor

Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical


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