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The Evening's Report

Posted on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 @ 11:55pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Kev Walker

1,254 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores

Isabella walked into the transporter room and offered the officer on duty a brief smile and a short nod of her head. The events of the evening had completely interrupted the natural flow of the crew trying to relax, and in the back of her mind Isabella knew that the actions of two of the Endeavour’s senior officers this evening had most likely caused the captain to reconsider shore leave options for the entire crew. Fortunately, Lieutenant Commanders Ros and Sato would be held overnight and released into the custody of the Endeavour in the morning, leaving Isabella to handle a single officer. Turning towards the transporter officer, she nodded. “Energize,” she said.

Kev had stumbled out of the medical facility and wished like hell he had been offered another pain killer. His face was bruised from just below his eye in the spot just over where the check bone stuck out. There was some bruising of the muscle and maybe even the bone but no fractures and the medical staff had made sure there would be no major medical problems. He arrived at the transporter facility and managed to get onto the pad. “One to beam to the Endeavour,” he said. The beam took over and the facility was quickly replaced with the transporter room on the Endeavour. The first officer was already waiting for him. “Oh shit,” Kev said quickly. Recovering he braced to attention. “Commander, I can explain,” he tried.

“Save it, Lieutenant,” Isabella said, trying her best to add a little iron to her voice. Normally, her soft accent made that difficult, but tonight the sharp edge came out easily and clear, with a sharp, crisp coldness that simply made it clear that she wasn’t in the mood. “I assume that you were given a complete medical examination by the medical facility planet-side?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am,” Kev answered as he flinched at the commander’s tone. Clearly the command staff were NOT happy tonight. “Commander in my defense I wasn’t involved.”

“Again, Lieutenant, save it,” Isabella repeated. “Follow me,” she said before she turned and started out of the transporter room. It was a short walk from the transporter room to the turbo-lift, followed by a short ride to deck one and another short walk to the captain’s ready room. Without slowing down, Isabella reached out and tapped the door controls and continued through as the doors opened. Reaching the desk, she stopped. “Lieutenant Walker, as you requested, Captain,” she said.

Alistar looked up from the desktop monitor and gave his chief operations officer a long, hard glare before he pushed back from his desk and leaned back in his chair. “Lieutenant Walker,” he said, his voice hard and somewhat snapping. “I understand you had an interesting night out on the town this evening.”

“I would definitely say that it’s been eventful Sir,” Kev said. “But in my defense Captain I wasn’t involved in the fight.”

“Oh? You just happen to be walking by and got struck by a Federation civilian who had a dislike for people wearing Starfleet uniforms?” Alistar said, trying and failing to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

Kev glanced towards the first officer and back to the captain. He had heard rumors of the captain and his infamous temper and attitude when his officers and crew got out of line. He gulped. His tenure as chief ops was definitely done, he thought. “Sir with respect I went to get a final round of drinks and when I returned the civilians were talking to Commander Sato and Commander Ros. I tried to join the conversation but one of the civilians insulted me. When I tried to verbally diffuse the situation the guy struck me. The rest of the fight happened to fast for me to report further.”

“With respect, Captain, the reports from Inti Colony’s security force and Miss Dawson’s office both support Lieutenant Walker’s story,” Isabella said, breaking into the conversation in an effort to deflect any anger the captain had towards the situation entirely from being directed towards the poor lieutenant. “There is also the fact that Mister Walker didn’t participate in the fight, and therefore was an unfortunate bystander.”

Alistar sighed heavily as he glanced towards Silvisi. She was right and he knew it. There wasn’t anything to pin against Walker, other than he needed to be a little more diplomatic or choose shore leave partners more carefully. “Alright,” he finally said. “Lieutenant, you get cleared by medical and take tomorrow off duty. After that, report for duty as usual. Dismissed,” he finally said.

“Yes sir,” Kev said. “And captain I’m sorry for any involvement I had in this situation.”

Alistar nodded silently, trying to give the younger officer some sign that he was off the hook. However he was too angry and bitter at the situation as a whole to give much comfort to Walker.

Isabella gave Lieutenant Walker a disarming smile as she caught his attention. “Let’s go, Lieutenant. I’m sure you know your way to sickbay from here,” she said.

“Yes ma’am,” Kev said as he started out of the ready room. Once out in the corridor he made a beeline towards the turbolift doors and hurried to his quarters. Screw sickbay he wanted to lock the door and hide from the explosion that the captain seemed to be very close to having.

Once Walker was gone from the ready room, Isabella turned and sat down. “I’m sure that Mister Walker expected an entire planet to come down on him, judging from his reaction,” she said, trying her best to lighten the captain’s clearly dark mood.

“Good, then he won’t forget,” Alistar said with a sigh. “And from the reports, he did exactly what he was supposed to. Which means that in the future, he’ll think back and try even harder next time. Which is what I expect from my officers.”

“I’ll speak to him in a day or two and let him know that he acted in the proper manner,” Isabella said as she stood. “That should let him know that we support his actions as well.”

“Good, and thank you, Commander,” Alistar said. “What’s the status of Sato and Ros?”

“I asked the planet-side security force to keep them detained until tomorrow morning. They’ll be beamed aboard at zero seven hundred hours, and I’ll have a security detail standing by in the transporter room to escort them here as soon as they’re beamed aboard,” Isabella replied. “I assumed that you would need a few hours to reflect on how to proceed in handling the charges and going through any and all available options before we proceed with the hearing.”

“Thank you, Isabella,” Alistar as he stood. “I’m going to go back to looking up regulations and possibly make a call to Starfleet Command before I call it a night, but I will see you in the morning.”

“Good evening, Captain,” Isabella said quietly before she turned and started towards the door. Having disarmed the captain’s explosive reaction towards the situation as best as she could given the circumstances, she decided that it was best to let the rest of the evening pass by as quietly as possible. Leaving the ready room, she headed towards her quarters in the hopes that she could at least make an attempt to relax.


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