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The Klingon and the Counselor

Posted on Sat May 9th, 2020 @ 9:21am by Grace Winters PhD & Lieutenant Katan

3,438 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores


Grace was curious to meet the new arrival to the Endeavour, especially after reading his files.

She decided that it might be best to meet him casually before doing an evaluation, just to say hi and break the ice before setting up an appointment. As was her custom, she was wearing a one-piece outfit in a deep winter blue.

She checked on his location and found that he was in security. She made sure she had nothing pressing and headed out her door.

She walked into security and paused, looking for the Klingon.

A security officer approached the counselor and asked. "May I help you, Ma'am?"

"I'm looking for Lieutenant Katan," she said.

The security officer nodded his head and gestured to the officer in the far back. "You can find him in there." He said before adding. "Watch out for the wolf."

She raised an eyebrow. "Thanks for the warning." She turned and made her way to the back, pausing to ring the chime on his office door.

Valkris immediately got up from the sound of the chime. The wolf was well hidden behind the desk, resting behind Katan, before the chime woke her from her nap. She began to make her way around, to see who it was, that may receive her wrath.

Katan looked up from his desk and raised a brow. He wasn't expecting anyone, so a visitor was unusual, however this was something he would probably have to get used to. He soon stood up from his seat and said firmly, in his deep voice. "Enter."

She walked in and smiled, glancing from the wolf to the Klingon. "Hello, lieutenant. I'm Grace Winters. Do you have a minute?"

Valkris sat down immediately. Her gaze was fixed on this newcomer. The large wolf showed no hostility, even though she held a slightly intimidating presence. Her curiosity was peaked and this one who walked in showed no threat to them, but she wasn't about to lower her guard.

"Hello." Katan replied, crossing his arms over his chest, as he shifted his gaze from Winter to Valkris. He knew she was standing guard, but was still concerned something might happen to trigger her to attack, so he wanted to make sure this new person knew what she was walking into. "This is Valkris." He said firmly, gesturing to the wolf. "She won't harm you as long as you show you aren't a threat. If you will allow her to sniff your hand and give her a moment there will be no incident."

Grace nodded and went over to the wolf, holding out her hand, palm down. "Hi. I'm Grace. Can I tell you that you're beautiful?" she said in a soft, gentle voice. "I'm no threat, although your friend might not think so." She stopped and smiled. "Now, you're welcome to check me out to make sure."

The wolf got back on all fours, easing closer to her hand. Her gaze shifted slightly, as if showing some caution, before finally sniffing to take in the scent. She kept silent before easing closer to her to allow her to pet her.

"She is allowing you to show her affection." Katan replied in his deep tone. "Valkris is testing you. Measuring your strength. Will you pet her softly? Will you pet her with strength and show force?" He smirked slightly, as if amused by the small exchange, while still remaining curious of how it would end. "You may even get lucky and rub her somewhere she enjoys."

Grace nodded and knelt down to scratch the wolf behind her ears and along the top of her head. "Since we don't know each other, you'll have to let me know what you prefer." She knew the wolf didn't understand, but she hoped that talking to her would help.

As if directing her, as Grace requested, Valkris tilted her head. She was showing her where she preferred to be scratched, demonstrating her understanding and intelligence with the slight motion.

Grace laughed and scratched where the wolf indicated. "All right. Is that where you like it?" she asked.

"She may seem like a simple animal, Grace Winters, I assure you she is far from it." Katan said firmly as he relaxed his arms, placing his hands on the table, as he continued. "Valkris is much smarter than she appears. Not to mention protective. I trust her judgement and often rely on her to see something I do not. Some, consider her a simple pet. To me, she is more than that."

"Animals are seldom simple. They are more intuitive than most people and are fiercely loyal," she said, nodding. "She is clearly a good friend."

She turned back to the wolf. "If I've passed muster, can I see if he'll approve of me, too?"

Valkris looked up to Grace. The wolf seemed to give her an un-pleased, or stern look, before yawning and walking away. She disappeared back behind the desk and went back to laying in the spot she was before as a groan escaped her snout.

"She isn't one for making friends so quickly." Katan replied firmly as he walked around his desk. "I am Katan." He said quickly before stopping abruptly. He was still used to adding his father and house name that it was almost second nation to do so. "I am the Chief of Security and Tactical of this ship. Being here, I am sure you already knew that. Is there something I can do for you?"

"I wanted to say hello," Grace replied. "And welcome you to the Endeavour. Do you have a few minutes to chat?"

"Yes." Katan replied before gesturing to the seat. "Please sit."

"Thank you," she said, sitting down where indicted. "I haven't been on the ship for long, but I think you'll like it here."

Katan nodded his head slightly before replying. "I have served, as a Warrior in the Klingon Defense Force, and now I serve Starfleet. Aside from the manner in which certain things are done, I am happy to serve in the position I am given for the length of time I am allowed to do so."

There were many questions Grace wanted to ask about why he left the KDF and joined Starfleet, but she wasn't sure now was the time. She chose what she hoped was a question he would answer. "You don't prefer how some things are done? May I ask which ones?"

"I didn't say that." Katan replied in his deep tone. "I only said that. I was only saying that the Klingon Defense Force and Starfleet do certain things differently. I served under one set of rules and laws and now I serve the others. Having been in the first I can see the differences. I don't disapprove of them. I feel, if I did, I wouldn't have continued in Starfleet." He raised a slight brow and tilted his head a bit.

"Ah. Yes, I can see how they would be quite different," she said, nodding. "I admit I do not know much about the Klingon empire, but I have worked with Klingons in my line of work."

"Which is?" Katan asked, sensing he already knew the answer.

"I'm a diplomat," she replied with a smile. It was true, that was one of her jobs on the Endeavour. "I often deal with people from other cultures."

"You're a diplomat?" Katan said, with an odd look, before tapping on the console in the glass of his desk. His eyes shifted to the monitor, facing him, before saying. "Who came looking for me, specifically, to welcome me to the ship?" He gave a nod, before turning the monitor around to face her, revealing his profile. "Are you sure you're not a counselor?" His stern look slowly faded before a smile appeared. He had to hand it to her. It was one of the first counselors he came across that didn't wear it directly on their sleeve. She was more subtle about it, and had her questions not go a certain way, he would have continued without ever noticing. "I bow to your method and honesty. Well played."

Grace smiled back. "I wasn't playing you. Well, not much. I am a diplomat. I'm also a counselor. I came here to meet you without the prejudice that comes with being a counselor. The counseling comes in my office. Here, I simply want to get to know you."

Katan nodded, his smile remained, as he said. "And I appreciate your non-prejudice approach." He turned the monitor back and turned it off. "I've interacted with many counselors, who've seen my file and insisted on beginning right away, so my experiences have left me in bad taste. Like a wound that will not heal and is used against me. The scar remains as a reminder, as well as a target, and I can't help but remain cautious of it being re-opened. Your approach is an honorable one, despite what other Klingon's may think."

"Thank you for the compliment. I try not to be like other counselors," she said. So far, her first impression of the Klingon was quite favorable. "Mind I ask what sort of problems you've had with other counselors, or would you rather hold that conversation for later?"

"I don't mind telling you." Katan said as he placed his hands on his lap, leaning back in the chair slightly, showing he was a bit more comfortable then he usually would be in this situation. "It's a simple matter of culture. They didn't understand why my crime was a crime when it came to my people. Why I can still be Klingon without being Klingon, if you can understand."

"Yes, I understand," she said. "Honor is everything in Klingon culture. The Federation does not look at fighting the same way."

Katan nodded his head, pausing for a moment, before answering. "The last time I was on a Klingon Vessel, as an officer, we were attacked. On that day, every warrior, fought until they're dying breath. I fought as hard, and as honorably, as everyone else. I remember being struck and I remember falling. I remember accepting death, but I woke up, surrounded by the smell of it. A stench that rose from my fellow warriors, my friends, who died honorably. I know they did because I witnessed their fall myself." He paused, clenching his fist, resisting the urge to slam it on the console. "In my people's eyes, Grace, my people didn't see a warrior who fought Death and won. They saw a warrior who did not die honorably and that is crime." She could hear the emotion in his voice, but she saw no sadness in his eyes, only anger. "I come from a proud and honorable family. My father. My mother. My older brother and sister. My younger brother. All have fought, just like me, to gain their honor, but I lost mine because Death did not take me to Sto'Va'Kor to battle great enemies. He did not lead me to the Barge of the Dead to Gre'thor. He did not take me at all." He looked down, for a moment, before looking back to her to continue. "To my family I was better off dead. So, because of my crime, they turned away from me. My people banished me and left me with no honor. I have no house and no family name. I have no people." He stopped and looked at her before looking down to Valkris. His angry soon turned to calm as he leaned down and placed his hand on the wolf, petting her softly, before looking back to Grace. "I have Valkris and, for now, that's better than where I started." He said with a smile. The angry tone was no gone.

She watched him while he spoke, listening to the words, the tone of his voice, the emotion behind them. She knew just enough of Klingon culture to understand what that cost him. She bit her lip, keeping quiet as he turned to Valkris. The love and friendship between the two made her smile. The wolf was the best therapy she could hope for. "If it makes any difference, I admire the way you handled the situation. You fought with valor and defeated death. I find that honorable. I'm glad you found Starfleet. And your friend."

"I did not defeat death... he let me go." Katan let out a deep breath before adding. "I do not know if they thought I was dead, or they did not kill me on purpose to suffer the disgrace, but I did not battle death to achieve that victory. I accept it. I welcomed it and it did not come to me. Before that moment, I was ready to die in the way my people would have wanted. In a way my family would have respected." He stopped talking and sat there for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders, returning to a smile. "My past is exactly that, Grave. My past. My journey took me to many places and, that angry Klingon, wanted nothing but to return to his people. That fighting, that rage, took me to a planet to die. To die slow and alone, but I wasn't alone. Valkris shares my story, in her own way. She fought with her pack leader and lost. When I came across her, she was wounded and starving. I tried to treat her, feed her, but she fought me with that warriors fire still burning in her eyes. Eventually, she realized I was not going to hurt her and that fire was soon calmed. That calm allowed her to let me in and for me stop being angry. Out time together brought us close, and now, we share this journey together."

She nodded. "I prefer to think that they believed you were dead and left you with the others." She smiled at the wolf. "Perhaps you survived because you had more to do." She nodded to Valkris. "She needed you, for one." She turned her smile to Katan. "Thank you for sharing that with me."

Katan looked at her and smirked. "You came here to get to know me. You can't know me completely with knowing what brought me here and why." He nodded before saying. "I was only fulfilling your request. No thanks are necessary." He placed his hand down on Valkris' head to give her a good rub. Katan felt good revealing his story. Sharing with Grace. Not only was it a weight off his shoulders that someone else, aside from the Captain knew, but she didn't give him pity or pretended to understand. She did understand and it was a comfort. "I do miss my home. I miss my family. I miss practicing with my little brother. Listening to my parents war stories. The challenge of fighting my older siblings and finally besting them in combat. Most of all I miss being around other Klingons. I longed for the days of being back there, but... not so much as I did when I first left. For now, the memories and traditions, are enough to keep me Klingon. This ship will have to do what it can to fulfill my warriors needs. We shall see where this part of our journey takes us."

Grace nodded. He'd been forced to give up so much. From what she could tell, he'd come though it remarkably well. "What have you found since joining Starfleet? Besides Valkris?" She wanted to know what gave him balance now, as a Starfleet officer. How he found fulfillment.

"I found that I come off, on occasions, as intimidating." Katan replied with a smile. "Not many incidents happen when officers know I will show up to deal with the situation. Well..." He paused for a moment, in thought, before continuing. "That could also be the large wolf that is by my side when I do show up. Whose to say, which one, is accurate? Starfleet has been kind to me and, so far, I see no reason to bite the hand that feeds me. They allowed me to serve under their emblem and I took it. I knew it would be a challenge, and it was, but I found my way through it. Valkris has been very helpful. Now only as a friend, but also, as a colleague. I've learned to trust her instincts and eyes when dealing with problems. We make a remarkable team."

"Yes, you do make a remarkable team," Grace agreed. "I think both of you can be intimidating as well, until a person gets to know you." She smiled warmly at the Klingon. "Again I thank you for sharing that with me." She paused, looking at him for a moment. "I did come here just to get to know you. However, I believe I've learned enough to say that I don't need to talk to you as a counselor. If you would come by my office and take the written evaluation, I can sign you off professionally."

Katan nodded his head as he placed his hands on the desk. He folded his fingers, as he looked at her with a smile, before asking. "What if I make the decision to talk to you anyway? Would you rather it be as a counselor, a diplomat, or a friend?"

"Counselor and diplomat are what I do as a profession," she replied simply. "I would rather be your friend than just your colleague."

"And a Security Officer is what I do, but I'm not about to toss you in the brig just so we can keep talking." Katan joked. "And I would like that as well, Grace."

She stood and extended her hand. "Good. I would rather you not throw me in the brig, either."

Katan stood up, smiling a bit, before walking over to her. As he approached, he took her hand in a firm grip, before shaking it. "Are you sure? It's not so bad as some may think. For some, the solitude, is very relaxing. I assure you, its far more comfortable than a Klingon's brig."

"That may be, but I don't think you want me psychoanalyzing the other prisoners," she quipped. "When I relax, I prefer good music, good wine, and occasionally good company."

"At the moment." Katan replied. "You would be the only one there, but if you give it time, I'm sure it won't be as empty." He released her hand and relaxed as he crossed his arms back over his chest and continued. "I don't know. A visit from a psychoanalyst would come in handy, from time to time, down there. It could help. Then again, it could give people another reason not to get thrown in there. Either way, it may prove useful."

She laughed. "I will have to add that to my list of services offered. I enjoyed our conversation and look forward to seeing you in my office at your earliest convenience. The test should take about half an hour."

She turned to Valkirs. "Make sure he doesn't forget. You're welcome to join him. I don't have a lupine equivalent, but I do have a comfortable couch."

Katan gave a slight nod before saying. "I will not forget. I can't speak for Valkris, but I will be there when I can."

"Thank you," she said, turning back to Katan and smiling. "Then I shall see you later."

She went over to Valkris and knelt. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well." She gently scratched the wolf on her head before standing again.

"Thank you, Grace." Katan replied. "It was good to talk about my past to someone who understands the way I do."

"Any time," she replied, smiling warmly. "Until then, I wish you both good day." She gave them both a nod and headed back to her office.

Katan nodded, smiling a bit, as he watched her leave. The Klingon felt the weight on his shoulders lift slightly. It wasn't gone entirely, but it was no longer such a hindrance as it first was, so he still had a long way to go. Perhaps, this ship, was the beginning of that. There would be no way to remove it entirely, but being around people like Winters and the Captain, would definitely keep his mind off such a painful and heavy load.


Lieutenant Katan
Chief Security and Tactical
USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Grace Winters
Chief Diplomat and Counselor
USS Endeavour


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