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A Wolf in a Starfleet Uniform Part 2, Blood Oath

Posted on Sat May 2nd, 2020 @ 8:13am by Lieutenant Katan & Captain Alistar McKeon

2,288 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores


Alistar instantly noticed the officer, seeing the Klingon sash and trying to place the family crest but coming up with a blank. His knowledge of internal Klingon matters was limited even more so in this timeline, so he shrugged it off mentally and stood. Fixing the Klingon officer with a neutral stare, he nodded as he spoke. "Katan, ghaH 'ej Duvan, 'ej revan tu'lu'. (Greetings, and welcome.)" he said in as near perfect Klingon as a human could.


He looked at him oddly, hearing the response in Kingon, which took him off guard. Katan's gaze returned to the Captain as he replied. "I'm reporting for duty." Before handing him a PADD with his orders.

Alistar accepted the PADD and waved for Katan to sit down as he did the same. Once he was again reclined comfortably in his chair he activated the Padd and scrolled through the information there. Satisfied that everything was in order, he set the device down and turned towards his new officer. "How was your journey here, Lieutenant?" he asked, switching to standard.

Katan looked to the seat before sitting down. He felt a bit uncomfortable. It was too soft. It was nothing like the Klingon ship seats he was used to. With a slight uneasiness, he settled back, and replied firmly. "Quiet. We slept most of the way and enjoyed the solace the others gave us. I think that had more to do with Valkris then it was with me."

Alsitar frowned briefly. "Who or what is a Valkris?" he asked. His mind racing, the closest he could come up with was valkyrie, the warrior women who hand picked the dead warriors who would be chosen to end Vahalla in Norse mythology. Confusion quickly was dismissed and he leaned forward to rest his arms on the desk as he gave Katan his full attention.

"Valkris is my companion." Katan replied firmly. "She is not a pet. She is more of a... shared soul." He looked down slightly before continuing, deepening his tone slightly before it returned to normal. "Our paths crossed each other and we haven't left each others side since. I began to call her Valkris because she reminded me of a story I once heard about a Klingon warrior of the same name." He looked up at him and cleared his throat before adding. "She will not be a problem. In fact, I have come to rely on her instincts, in my own work. I would consider it a great value if I could continue using her in that manner."

Alistar nodded slowly. Most of the time Starfleet regulations didn't allow animals companions or pets on starships the size of the Intrepid class ships. Usually, one had to be assigned to a ship of the Galaxy, Nebula or even the few Ambassador classes that were left. There were always exceptions of course and Alistar was known to bend the rules at times. Leaning back in his chair he nodded. "I see no problem with her being here, as long as she's not a problem," he said.

"It's... appreciated." Katan replied in an almost odd tone. As if he wasn't used to it. Either being allowed to do something or just showing thanks in general. "She will be pleased of the freedom." He smiled slightly before it faded away back to his stern look. "She will be of great use to this ship and to you, Captain. I am... honored... with your trust and I will ensure it is well earned." It had been a while since he felt honored in anything. Normally, he kept to himself and didn't care about anything other than what he was doing, but it was a odd and still familiar feeling.

Alistar nodded. "Go ahead and take the day to get settled in," he said. "Commander Silvisi is putting together a survey mission, so you should have plenty of time to settle in with your department. Get with her if you want to help, and both of us are here if you have any questions. Most of the time, we usually find some form of trouble so I'm hoping you don't mind getting in the deep end once in a while."

"Both Valkris, and I, will do everything we can to contribute." Katan said before a slight smile formed on his face. "And, you'll find, I am very handy if trouble does come finding us." His smiled soon faded, disappearing back into his stern look, before he added. "I know that Starfleet, and the Federation, prefer peaceful solutions before a firm hand. So, I will do my best, to ensure the response is warranted." As he stood up, there was a slight hesitation in his tone, before he ask curiously. "Would any of our trouble bring us close to Klingon space?"

Alistar's eyebrows rose a little at the question and the undertone he seemed to detect behind the question itself. There was something there, but he didn't want to push the matter at the moment. He made a mental note of it and pushed back from his desk. "Not that I know of, the closest borders are the Romulans and of course the Federation's," he answered. "A point to make, I'm not always the most diplomatic captain in Starfleet, so when I do step out of line as I've been known to do Commander Silvisi usually steps in and reigns me in. So I would like to have you remember that if the XO counters my orders, it may be a good idea to listen. She's helped to keep us out of trouble before, and I trust her judgement. Just something I want you to remember."

Katan nodded, his stern face remained, before he replied. "I will follow her judgement. However, my question, was more of concern then the lines of space we will be entering. I am not... considered honorable to my people. I don't know how much you know, but an incident turned me into an outcast and I was forced away from my people. My family. I lost my house and my honor. An interaction with a Klingon, whose follows our traditions heavily, may result in a conflict which may result in future problems with my people."

"I see," Alistar said as his eyes narrowed in thought. He knew a little of such matters, and most of what he knew he could draw off of another Klingon officer in Starfleet and of course that officer's situations. "Well, that certainly will make it interesting, but I don't foresee any major issues. That just means we can't have you represent the Endeavour when dealing with Klingons, but that's a technical matter and not one we should be concerned with right now."

Katan looked at him firmly before replying. "I understand, but there may be a point where it can not be hidden. My name will be on the personnel list and, when if comes to protecting this ship, I will not stand by and not fight along side this crew all to keep the peace. I choose my side, Captain. My home turned me away because of its only ways, and so, I left it behind me. I pledged my loyalty to Starfleet, and those in this uniform, so I will honor that emblem by defending it." He clenched his fist before adding. "If my own people will not recognize my warrior's heart then those on this ship is good enough."

Alistar nodded as he stood and walked around his desk. Looking at Katan directly in the eye, he spoke slowly and calmly. "Lieutenant, any oath you took to the Klingon Empire I understand, but I will hold your oath to Starfleet, the Federation, and to the uniform you wear above all. I understand the conflict that your path may bring forward in the future, better than most. I expect my officers to stand by their oath and to stand beside the crew on this ship. I don't doubt your honor, I don't doubt your intentions or even your heart. I understand your people, in fact I understand the complexity of your situation better than most," he said as he glanced towards the d'k'tang that sat on his shelf. Turning back to Katan, he nodded. "All I ever ask of those that serve under my command is that they serve with honor and do their best, Lieutenant. The rest we can and will work together to solve."

Katan looked over the Captain shoulder, eyeing the d'k'tang, before focusing back to he man. He was fully aware of the symbol behind the blade and, knowing this, he didn't feel as alone as when he first stepped off the shuttle. The Klingon smiled, placing his own hand on the Captain's shoulder, mimicking his stance. "I pledge my life, my heart, to you and this crew. I will help bring honor, and glory, to this ship and its name. One warrior to another. " He whispered, a slight tear to his eye, before saying. "Will you do me the honor, Captain, of making this blood oath with me?" Katan felt whole again. He felt like a Klingon with his honor and house restored, but not in the traditional sense. His honor was to his ship. His new house. All that was left was the Captain to make this blood oath with him. To slice both their palms join them, combine their blood, in this sacred Klingon ceremony. A part of him hoped, the Captain, could see how important it was to Katan.

Alistar turned and walked over to the shelf, taking the d'k'tang from its place and carrying it back to his desk. Drawing the knife, he set the scabbard on his desk and turned to face Katan. It had been years since he had made his Blood Oath to D'Rogh, and it made him proud to be able to make a new one. "Katan, 'Iw pledge Dujvam beq laj Alistar McKeon, HoD Dujvam batlh Sov Endeavour 'ej SoH vItlhobqa' Qam HItlhej 'eb, So'meH wa' SuvwI' latlh. pledge, yIn, batlh, 'ej tIq 'e' jIlajneS. SoH HubtaHvIS jIH Hoch vay' latlh 'eH Dujvam, tIj vIneH. reH batlh 'ej yI'el vaj nI' law' ra' retain jIH." (Katan, I, Alistar McKeon, captain of this ship of honor known as Endeavour accept your blood pledge to this ship, its crew, and invite you to stand with me, one warrior to another. I accept your pledge, life, honor, and heart. I will defend you as I would any other aboard this ship. You will always be honored and welcomed so long as I retain command.) His Oath complete, Alistar tooth the d'k'tang and sliced it across the palm of his hand before extending the hilt towards Katan.

Katan took the hilt of the blade and stared into Alistair's eyes. A smile formed on his face as a came down his cheek. The Klingon placed the blade of the d'k'tang to his palm, and in one quick motion, sliced it drawing blood. He than took a hold over the Captain's hand, pressing their palms together, as he replied softly. "pledge 'Iw SuD Dujvam beq 'ej laj, katan, QInvam Hung chief 'ej tactical Dujvam batlh Sov Endeavour. jIQam, wa' SuvwI' latlh. yIn, batlh je tIqwIj pledge jIH. SoH HubtaHvIS jIH Hoch vay' latlh 'eH Dujvam, tIj vIneH. beq, jup, je loDnI' Dop SuH jIH." (I, Katan, chief of security and tactical of this ship of honor known as Endeavour take your blood pledge to this ship, its crew, and accept. I will stand with you, one warrior to another. I pledge my life, honor, and heart. I will defend you as I would any other aboard this ship. I stand by your side as a crewman, friend, and brother.) He gripped Alistair's hand tightly. His breath was shaky, and his heart pounding pounding hard against his chest, as he added softly with a tear. " Qapla'."

"Qapla', loDnI' (Brother)," Alistar said formally, a sincere expression on his face as he nodded towards Katan. "Welcome home, Katan, Warrior of Endeavour," he said.

Katan squeezed his hand a bit tightly, smiling, as he replied. "Thank you, Brother." He felt a huge weight lift fro his shoulders. A burden no longer carrying him since he left. There was a peace he didn't think he would ever have again. As he released Alistar's hand, he clenched his hand into a fist to stop the blood from his palm, before nodding his head.

Alistar clenched his hand and carefully took his d'k'tang and returned it to its place on the shelf. Turning back to Katan, he nodded. "Make sure you get that hand treated. I don't want blood all over the tactical readouts, making it harder to check the sensors," he said with a joking smile. It vanished quickly. "In all seriousness, welcome to the Endeavour, Katan ech," he said.

"I will see to it that its done." Katan replied, nodding his head, before smiling. He placed his hands behind his back and asked. "Is there anything else, Captain?"

"Get settled in and report for duty first thing in the morning," Alistar said as he walked around his desk and faced Katan. "Dismissed, Lieutenant Katan."

Katan nodded his head and places hands behind his back, leaving the one with the scar clenched to keep it from bleeding. He put on a stern look before walking out of the Ready Room. This experience went better then he thought it would. Far better then previous experiences. He went in with many questions, but left with little to none.


Captain Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Katan
Chief Sec/Tac, USS Endeavour


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