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StarDate 241503.22 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Chief Engineer N.P.C., Engineering Specialist (I. Valenar, M. Vaughn, J. Ros)

Posted on Sun Mar 22nd, 2015 @ 4:39pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Captain Innovindil Valenar

656 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Innovindil frowned as she stepped through the doors and into Engineering. Despite the fact that there were no outstanding engineering problems and it was the middle o the night there was a high level of activity as a swarm of engineers hurried about Engineering. In the center of the room stood Lieutenant Commander Mark Vaughn, the Acting Chief Engineer, who barked orders at anyone who appeared to slow down for any reason. As she stepped up to stand beside the senior engineer, Innovindil raised an eyebrow as she caught his attention.

"Is there a problem that anyone on the Command Staff should know about?" she asked.

"Oh, commander, we're just having a drill. I didn't schedule it because it was supposed to be a surprise drill," Vaughn said testily. Despite his last encounter with the Endeavour's XO, he wasn't about to show just how much she had stepped on him before.

"You are aware that any drill you schedule is supposed to be approved by a member of the Command Staff, even if you withhold the schedule of the drill from your own staff," Innovindil said in a neutral tone.

"Commander, the regulations give me a wide range of freedom when it comes to the training of my staff," Vaughn snapped.

"Despite your interpretation of Starfleet regulations, you are aware that any on-duty training is to be approved by either the Commanding or Executive Officers first. I'm not going to give you another warning, Commander," Innovindil in with a low growl in her voice.

Mark Vaughn was smart enough to shut his mouth and nod. "What else did you want, commander?" he asked, his tone almost challenging the XO.

"Commander McKeon wanted me to let you know that the lateral sensor arrays to be configured for a S.A.R. mission. We need to be able to scan for a survey ship that may be in orbit or landed on a planet without stopping," Innovindil replied.

"Ros! Get over here!" Vaughn snapped towards the half Romulan engineer who he knew had recently worked on the sensors.

Jera muttered under her breath as she stopped scanning the support structure beams that supported the warp core stabilizers and turned towards Vaughn. He was standing on the main deck below her along with a woman who she recognized to be the XO. Wondering just what was going on this time, she folded the tricorder she had been using up and set it in her tool belt before climbing down one of the ladders that allowed access to the upper support deck. From there it was just a few steps to where the two commanders were standing. "Yes sir, how did I screw something up this time?"

"Watch it with that attitude Ros," Vaughn said. "The XO here needs the lateral sensors configured for high speed medium range scanning. How long will that take?"

"Oh hell, I just configured them last week for some kind of survey," Jera snapped.

"We've had to change our standing orders from a survey to a search and rescue mission. Commander McKeon wants to scan for a civilian survey ship without having to stop for a detailed planetary scan," Innovindil explained.

"We can configure the sensors to scan for specific traces of hull alloy and exhaust emissions from the warp nacelles and impulse thrusters," Jera suggested. "That will take a few hours, since we won't have to recalibrate the entire sensor array. I can just adjust the sensor parameters with ops."

"Very well, have Operations inform Commander McKeon or myself when the recalibration is complete," Innovindil ordered, bypassing Vaughn altogether in the chain of command.

"Yes, Ma'am," Jera said with a salute. Glancing at Vaughn, she gave the ACEO a half twisted smirk before she turned and headed off to work on the sensor arrays.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical

PO1 Jera'turak Ros

LtCmdr Mark Vaughn


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