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SD 241503.23 Chief Medical Officer's Duty/Personal Log

Posted on Tue Mar 24th, 2015 @ 8:26am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & EMH

483 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Isabella sighed as the EMH walked casually into her office and demanded to see the duty roster schedule for the week. If possible, the holographic doctor had been getting more arrogant and demanding the longer it remained active, and it had already set the entire medical staff, Isabella included, on edge. It was a proven fact that holograms developed their own personalities over time, but the EMH had only been active for a matter of weeks and was already acting like one of her parents. The thought of her parents drew a dark frown as always and Isabella sighed again before she stood and slammed the Padd she had been using to write the duty roster schedule down with on top of her desk with enough force that the edge of the Padd actually made a slight mark in the top of the desk.

"Don't ever walk into my office and issue any demands of me ever again!" the short, petite Italian woman shouted, her voice loud enough to carry throughout the entire sickbay complex.

"I can demand the schedule at any time I want to see it, and you're five minutes late filing it to begin with," the EMH snapped in its arrogant tone.

"I am still the chief medical officer on this ship and this is still my office and my department. I'll run it however I choose to, and that includes when I make the damned schedule!" Isabella snapped, feeling a surge of anger she rarely felt.

"If you would run the medical department half as well as your parents run their hospital clinic on Earth then I wouldn't be needed quite as much," the EMH said.

Isabella reached across the desk and slapped the hologram as hard as she could, then backhanded it and slapped it again for good measure. "Get out!" she shouted.

The EMH stared at Isabella for a long moment before it finally turned its expression into a dark glare. "I've filed an assault charge report with the chief of security and the executive officer. This isn't over, Lieutenant!" the hologram said before it flashed off.

Isabella sighed and fell back into her chair, her anger subsiding. The very mention of her parents was normally enough to turn her mood into a dark one, but to be compared to her parents was simply too much. Her hand hurt from striking the EMH, something that she had been surprised at. The newer Mark III EMHs, like all newer model holograms, had a programming script that made them more realistic, almost too realistic. It also meant that their personality matrices were twice as annoying.

With a heavy sigh, Isabella tapped her comm. badge. "Lieutenant dei`Silvisi to Commander Valenar, I'd like to request a meeting with you as soon as possible," she said.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Chief Medical Officer

Guest Appearance by
Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) NPC


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