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StarDate 241503.25 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer (I. Valenar & I. Dei`Silvisi)

Posted on Thu Mar 26th, 2015 @ 10:28am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Innovindil Valenar

1,392 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

It was almost a perfect day to be the Executive Officer on the Endeavour. Innovindil had finished with her paperwork and caught up on reading the department reports, filed the daily report for Security and Tactical, and set aside several hours in which she would be able to spend some time with her daughter, Elanawen. It was almost too good to be true, but in Innovindil's experience there were times in which everything actually operated smoothly. Innovindil had actually forgotten the most important thing to remember about Starfleet: Expect the unexpected and be prepared for anything. One minute, she was sitting at her desk staring at the empty inbox folder, and the next there was an assault charge report filed from Sickbay and her comm. badge beeped with the voice of the Chief Medical Officer requesting a meeting.

"Damn," Innovindil muttered before tapping her comm. badge.

"Valenar to dei`Silvisi, report to my office as soon as possible," Innovindil said before signing off. As she waited, Innovindil opened the report and read through it. When she was finished, she blinked and reread the report a second time, this time slowly.

Isabella received a confirmation to meet with the executive officer and nodded to herself. With a deep breath, she stood and walked into the main room of sickbay. Speaking to Ensign Eidan, she left several instructions before she started off towards the first officer's office. It wasn't a long trip, sickbay was on deck five and the executive officer's office was on deck one, but Isabella walked slowly so she could think while she walked. Twenty minutes after she left sickbay, she stood before the doors to the first officer's office. With a deep breath, she reached out and tapped the door chime.

Innovindil looked up from her desktop monitor at the sound of the door chime and noted the time. She frowned slightly, since it usually didn't take that long to walk from Deck Five to Deck One. Deciding that Lieutenant dei`Silvisi had gotten caught up in Sickbay before heading to her office, Innovindil closed her desktop monitor and leaned back in her chair before calling "Enter.".

Isabella took a step forward and walked through the doors and into the office. She paused several steps inside. "I'm sorry to bother you, commander, but I'd like to speak to you if you have a moment."

"Please, have a seat," Innovindil said, giving the Lieutenant an inviting smile and waving her hand towards the two chairs that sat on the opposite side of her desk.

Isabella sat down in one of the chairs and tried to relax. It was easier to sit down than to relax, as she was extremely nervous. "I'd like to talk to you about the report that I'm sure you've seen by now," she said. "And…I have a request to make."

Innovindil nodded. She had suspected that part of the reason for this meeting was the report that had been filed by the E.M.H., but she had an open door policy and there was no reason to not talk to any member of the crew.

"I'm going to speak to Commander McKeon about the report that the E.M.H. filed. There is a high possibility that the entire matter will be dismissed, since the laws concerning holograms and the rights of artificial life forms is unspecific and open to interpretation. I also understand that the E.M.H. has been difficult to deal with, so I'm pretty sure that there was a perfectly good reason why you slapped it around. Still, there may be a little counseling involved. Despite the fact that there most likely was a provocation, Starfleet Officers should always strive to find a non-violent solution to problems that may arise, if one exists," Innovindil said.

"I understand," Isabella said. "Normally, I do try to avoid losing my temper, but something was brought up during the course of the conversation, something that has always been a touchy subject with me and that has led me to seriously consider the next matter."

"What would that be?" Innovindil asked.

"I wish to transfer from medical to another department," Isabella said.

Innovindil blinked at the simple statement. It wasn't unheard of for someone to transfer to another Department, but in her experience she had never heard of Medical Officers transferring. Having read dei`Silvisi's service record, Innovindil knew that the Lieutenant had spent eight years attending Medical School before entering Starfleet Academy. The time spent on studying alone was reason enough for most Medical Officers to stay in the Medical field, even if they grew tired of the profession.

"If you don't mind my asking, why do you wish to leave Medical?" Innovindil asked.

"If I can be honest, Ma'am," Isabella started. "I don't think I was ever interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. My parents are both career doctors who run a hospital clinic on Earth, and they were disappointed enough with my sister when she decided to become a singer and later when she became a fashion designer that they haven't spoken to her since she was a teenager. I had already started studying basic medical studies and I was afraid to disappoint my parents, so I continued to study medicine, even though I wasn't completely interested in it. I joined Starfleet because I wanted to do more than live the life my parents wanted me to. I wanted to see what was out there beyond the stars. My father has hardly spoken to me since I joined Starfleet, simply because I didn't do what he wanted me to. Most of the time, I get angry because I feel as if my parents decided what my life should be, and I don't want that. I definitely don't want to be compared to my parents either, and that's exactly what the EMH did. I just want to do something that I will truly enjoy, not what is expected of me."

"I see," Innovindil said slowly. In truth, she could understand completely where Lieutenant dei`Silvisi was coming from. She had defied her own parents by joining Starfleet, and she hadn't looked back or regretted her decision to live her life the way she had wanted ever since.

"Have you thought about what you want to transfer to?" Innovindil finally asked.

"I've thought about requesting a command position, but I wasn't sure if I met any of the requirements," Isabella said.

"You passed Starfleet Academy and you're a Department Head, so you've have the S.O.T. And Basic Command courses, and that's really all you need to get started. The rest is mostly guidance and experience, with a little bit of on the job training. It does help if you have a letter of recommendation from a current Command Staff Officer, but it's not really a requirement. I can't make any promises, but if you want to move up to Command, I'll talk to Commander McKeon and see if he has any recommendations," Innovindil said.

Isabella's face brightened as she looked up towards the first officer. "I'd truly appreciate any help you or the commander can give me," she said.

"I give you my word that we will help you find a position in which you will be happy with. In the meantime, I want you to name a Medical Officer who can step up immediately and take over Sickbay before you take a few days of leave time and study the Basic Command guidelines. It's possible that we can find you something aboard the Endeavour," Innovindil said with a smile.

"Thank you, Commander," Isabella said as she stood. "Ensign Eidan would be my first recommendation as my replacement."

"I'll pass that along to Commander McKeon and Ensign Eidan. In the meantime, you've some studying to do. Dismissed, Lieutenant," Innovindil said.

Isabella came to attention before she gave the executive officer a salute. Turning, she walked out of the office feeling much better than she had when she had first entered. With an honestly happy smile forming on her lips, she started off towards her quarters to brush up on the current command level guidelines and regulations.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical
U.S.S. Endeavour


Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Currently Unassigned
USS Endeavour


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