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StarDate 241503.30 Joint Log: Commanding Officer and Executive Officer (A. McKeon and I. Valenar)

Posted on Mon Mar 30th, 2015 @ 6:35pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Captain Alistar McKeon

694 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Innovindil paused outside Commander McKeon's quarters and took a deep breath. It was never a good idea to annoy the Commanding Officer when he wasn't 'technically' on duty, but starship captains were always on duty, even in the middle of the night. Fortunately, it was merely early evening and not that late o an hour, so Innovindil was hoping that her visit wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience. Reaching out, she tapped the door chime.

Alistar had taken off early. There was still another day before the Endeavour would reach the Basik system and not much to do other until they arrived, so he had decided to unwind just a little. One of his favorite hobbies was also one of his less enjoyed ones, and he had set aside some time this evening to try to enjoy it a little. He had already sat down in his recliner and picked up one of his guitars, this one an Ibanez GAX electric model, and had just enough time to tune it before the door chime rang.

"What?" he asked in a tired voice.

Innovindil stepped through the doors and into the Commanding Officer's quarters. She spotted Commander McKeon and winced as she noticed him sitting down with the guitar. Having an interest in several musical instruments herself, she understood that sometimes a person simply needed to take the time to play.

"I apologize for the interruption, Commander, but there is a situation I wanted to bring to your attention," Innovindil said.

"Not another three hour paperwork generating type of problem I hope," Alistar said as he set the guitar down and stood.

"I received a report from the E.M.H. stating that Lieutenant dei`Silvisi had assaulted it, followed by a visit from the Lieutenant herself. She spoke to me about the incident, which I believe should be dropped but that, is a matter for your attention, and then she requested a transfer to a different department," Innovindil said.

Alistar felt his eyes widen as he stared at his XO and let what she had said sink in. Officers requested department transfers from time to time but rarely from medical. There was simply too much time invested in going into medical for someone to simply walk away easily. "Did she have any idea what she wanted to go in to?" he asked.

"She stated an interest in Command, and after speaking to her I would support her entry to a command position," Innovindil stated.

"I agree. She's a good officer, I just hate to lose her," Alistar said with a nod.

"Sir, I would like to make the suggestion to name the Lieutenant as my replacement," Innovindil said, mentally bracing for the impending outburst.

"Replacement?" Alistar frowned. "Have you been transferred?"

"I was contacted yesterday morning about taking my own command. I must admit that I've been considering it," Innovindil admitted.

"Which ship?" Alistar asked.

"The U.S.S. Hyperion. She is one of the newest Luna class ships that will be assigned to this region. One of the conditions for me accepting the promotion was that I could find and train my replacement," Innovindil replied.

"Good choice," Alistar said. "Well, I'd hate to lose you but if you're confident that Silvisi can do the job as your replacement, then move her to second officer and start training her to take over as XO. As soon as this SAR mission is over we'll put in to DS5 and make the changeover."

"The Hyperion may be able to intercept the Endeavour by then. She launched over the weekend and was dispatched to Deep Space Five immediately. I'll call Starfleet Command back before I start training Lieutenant dei`Silvisi," Innovindil said.

Alistar nodded. "I'm sure I'll get a call from Starfleet pretty soon then." Taking a step forward he offered his hand. "Congrats, Valenar."

"Thank you, Commander McKeon," Innovindil said as she accepted his hand and shook it. Releasing his hand, she took a step back and saluted before she turned and stepped out of the Commander's quarters and headed to her office.

Commander Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Outgoing Executive Officer


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