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Sd 241505.10 Joint Log: Part II Away Mission (LtCmdr Valenar, Lt dei`Silvisi, various NPCs)

Posted on Mon May 11th, 2015 @ 12:10am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Innovindil Valenar

1,057 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

"Your crew are Starfleet personnel who are required to acknowledge the authority of their superior Officers, even if those Officers are assigned to a different ship. So, I'll ask again, and it will be the last time," Innovindil said, the tone to her voice turning into a dangerous growl.

The Lieutenant finally gulped and nodded. "I'm Lieutenant Chris Forrest. We were assigned to the Alexandria two months ago. Our official orders are to survey unclaimed star systems for mining operations."

"And unofficially?" Isabella asked, adding herself to the questioning and hoping she wasn't stepping Commander Valenar's toes.

Forrest flinched before he answered. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lieutenant," he said.

Innovindil stared at the Officer for a long moment before she finally nodded. If he wanted to not answer here, then he could answer once they were all safely back on the Endeavour.

"Are there any other survivors?" she asked.

"No, this is the entire crew," Forrest answered.

"Good. We have two shuttles roughly a mile away. We don't have much time, so let's get going," Innovindil said.

"Wait, we need to get the research data!" the civilian said. As if on cue, the planet rumbled and the ground shook, forcing everyone to find something to hold on to.

"Forget the Data," one of the other Starfleet officers growled.

"We're heading straight to the shuttles. Anyone who goes off on their own is on their own. Now, let's get going," Innovindil ordered.

With dei`Silvisi leading the way and Valenar bringing up the rear, the group made their way to the boarding hatch, where they collected Crewman Sizb before they started towards the shuttles. Once they reached open ground, they broke out into a full run as the earthquakes started to get worse with each passing minute. With Innovindil falling back with the civilian, the group ran to the shuttles as quickly as they could. What should taken no more than twelve minutes took them nearly twenty, and during that time the planetary conditions worsened with each passing minute. Arriving at the shuttles, Innovindil divided that group up and saw to it that everyone boarded before she charged up the hatch of the shuttle Erinyes. As she pulled herself into the pilot's chair, she noticed that the shuttle had been kept on full standby, which was a good thing because there wasn't time for a full startup.

Glancing out the cockpit viewport, Innovindil saw the Everest take off and start climbing towards the Endeavour. Nodding to herself, Innovindil turned back to the shuttle controls and quickly tapped in a manual override while at the same time ordering the shuttle to launch. The Erinyes lurched as it lifted off of the ground, a testimony to the turbulence that would only get worse. Aiming the nose of the Erinyes skyward, Innovindil noticed that the Everest was doing the same as the shuttle continued to climb. The wind speed climbed along with the altitude, making it difficult to control the shuttle. Innovindil was a highly skilled pilot, but it was all she could do to keep the Erinyes going. From the way the Everest was rocking in the air, it seemed that Reynolds was having the same problem. Fortunately, both shuttles quickly cleared the turbulent atmosphere and were quickly flying through deep space once again.

Since there hadn't been time to confirm the Endeavour's position during the rough flight, Innovindil had to scan for the ship before she could lay in a course. Once that was done, she opened a channel.

"Valenar to Endeavour, away mission is complete. Both shuttles are en route to your location," she said.

"Roger, away team. Prepare for emergency docking. We're breaking orbit as soon as you touch down," the voice of the relief Tactical Officer said.

"Confirmed," Innovindil said as she made her final course adjustments. The Endeavour hung above the planet in a high orbit. Below, the planet was covered in clouds that rolled as it they were an ocean. Flashes of lightning could be seen, and a dark cloud of ash was quickly spreading across the planet. She shuddered and returned her attention to docking the Erinyes.

Isabella watched from the co-pilots seat as the Everest sped towards the Endeavour. She occasionally glanced towards the soon to be dead world below and couldn't help but feel the bone chilling shiver that crept up and down her spine. Darkly, she couldn't help but think of the survey ship and its crew, and she couldn't help but feel as if there was something wrong with what had been the ship and its mission. Silently, she waited as the Everest drew closer to the Endeavour.

Innovindil quickly went through the docking procedures and breathed a sigh of relief as the Erinyes touched down on the Endeavour's shuttle bay deck. After placing the shuttle on standby, she opened the boarding hatch and filed out of the shuttles along with everyone else. She could see dei`Silvisi as the other woman exited the Everest and Innovindil caught the Lieutenant's expression. Stepping over to her replacement, Innovindil raised an eyebrow.

"Is everything ok, Lieutenant?" Innovindil asked.

Isabella paused and turned towards Commander Valenar before she shook her head. "No, ma'am, I can't help but believe that they lied to us about their ship and their mission. I would prefer that they be arrested and placed in the brig."

"Unfortunately, as far as we know, they haven't committed any crimes, so we can't simply throw them into the brig. However, once Sickbay clears them, I will order them to be placed under quarters arrest. We'll make our official report to Commander McKeon and he'll decide what to do with them from there," Innovindil said.

"I guess we need to visit Sickbay, then," Isabella said with a sigh. "I would like security to be present, though, just in case."

"An excellent idea," Innovindil said with a nod. Tapping her comm. badge, she spoke as she turned and led everyone out of the shuttle bay.

"Valenar to Security, have an armed squad report to Sickbay," she said. Turning the others, she nodded. "Let's go," she said.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Second Officer

Various N.P.C.s played by Lieutenant dei`Silvisi, Lieutenant Commander Valenar, and Commander McKeon


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