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241505.17 Plot Log: CO duty log Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2015 @ 8:28pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

740 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Alistar didn't look up from the report he was reading as the doors to his ready room opened to allow Lt Chris Forrest and the two security officers who had brought him from his guest quarters in. He continued to read as they marched across the office and stopped before his desk and braced to attention, although an angry scowl formed. The Endeavour was currently en route to DS5, where there were new crewmembers waiting to board and commander Valenar's new command, the Hyperion, was waiting. It was also where, if Alistar had his way, the crew of the USS Alexandria would be facing formal charges unless the lieutenant standing in his ready room or one of his crew started talking.

Basik 3's destruction had been caught on every recording device the Endeavour had, visual and otherwise. The data had already been copied and transmitted to Starfleet Command for analysis by the science division. Alistar had watched from the bridge as the planet literally destroyed itself and the view screen feed had been watched by everyone else throughout the ship. It wasn't often that a starship was able to witness such events, and the fact that Alistar had had to dispatch officers to the surface of the planet to rescue the Alexandria crew was making him furious. He finally reached the end of the report and set the padd down before he leaned back in his chair and waved for the security officers to wait outside.

"I have a problem, Mister Forrest," Alistar said. "And that problem is the fact that the Starfleet science and survey ship USS Alexandria was placed under the command of a civilian scientist and crashed on a Q class planet, prompting me to place my officers in grave danger in order to rescue Starfleet personnel who refuse to answer the simple question of just what the hell you were doing there in the first place. Now, would you like to start answering my questions or do you want me to stop being polite?"

"Sir, my orders stated that I was to follow the orders of Vias, and she ordered me not to reveal any information about the Alexandria's mission," Forrest stated.

"You are aware that I checked with Starfleet Command on legal issues on this matter. Under Starfleet regulations, no civilian may be placed in total command of Starfleet personnel. This means, lieutenant, that if you don't start talking, I'm going to be slamming the book down on you and your crew," Alistar growled.

"And that means, sir?"

"Charges of desertion from duty, for one," Alistar answered. "That alone carries a one year prison sentence and a dishonorable dismissal from Starfleet."

Lt Forrest gulped and finally nodded. "Miss Vias was conducting an experiment using illegal data she somehow obtained on the Genesis project."

"What kind of experiment?" Alistar asked.

"She was continuing the Genesis Project, Sir," Forrest answered.

Alistar blinked and felt the shock hit him. The Genesis Project had been outlawed for decades, and for anyone to conduct any research into it was a crime near treason. At best, anyone caught with the data alone would be facing time in prison, at worse they'd never be seen again. He now understood why Forrest hadn't wanted to answer before.

"You....stupid idiot," Alistar finally managed to say. "You do realize that as Starfleet officers you and your crew were willingly taking part in an illegal action that carries the highest penalties in the Federation, and by now revealing that information or doing anything to stop it you're going to be considered as guilty as Ms Vias?"

"Yes, Sir," Forrest answered.

Alistar shook his head and tapped his commbadge. The security officers waiting outside entered. "Take LT Forrest, Miss Vias, and the Alexandria crew to the brig. They'll remain there until we can offload them at DS5."

Once the doors had shut behind them, Alistar sighed and stood. Walking over to the viewport, he watched the stars streak past. Of all the things, his ship and crew had been called to rescue a rogue scientist. It wasn't the most interesting commissioning cruise he had ever heard of, but at least the Endeavour had done some good. He finally shook his head and turned away from the viewport and headed back to his desk. On this, he needed to make a call to Starfleet Command before the Endeavour returned to DS5.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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