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SD 241505.14 Joint Log: Cmdr McKeon, LtCmdr Valenar, Lt dei`Silvisi, Various NPCs

Posted on Fri May 15th, 2015 @ 12:29am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Alistar McKeon & Captain Innovindil Valenar & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan

1,392 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Isabella smiled towards Abigail as she led the away team and the crew from the survey ship Alexandria into sickbay. The trip from the shuttle bay to sickbay had been tense to start with, and the addition of four armed security officers halfway through the journey had only added to the tension. The sheer anger that seemed to radiate from the civilian who had been aboard the survey ship, if in fact the Alexandria had truly been a survey ship, had grown into an almost living thing since she had been rescued from the surface of Basik III. Even Isabella, who normally didn't get upset or lose her temper, had been tempted to simply shoot the other woman with a phaser set to heavy stun.

"We all need a full workup, Abi," Isabella said as she headed for the closest biobed. "The Endeavour crew can go first, since it'll take longer to wait for the results on the others."

"I agree," Innovindil said as she followed Lieutenant dei'Silvisi to the where the exams would be conducted. They were a simple enough procedure but mandatory for anyone who was returning from an away mission on an unknown world or dangerous scenarios. That didn’t mean that she liked them, on the contrary Innovindil found them to be a total pain.

"Well, I think my crew and I should be given a runabout and left to continue our research, which I'll have to practically start over from nothing thanks to you," the civilian woman snarled as she folded her arms and glared at the medical officer who was trying to scan her.

"The Endeavour doesn't have any runabouts on board, and I doubt that Commander McKeon is going to hand over a shuttle unless Starfleet Command orders him to, and even then he's most likely going to want to question you on your mission here in the Basik System," Isabella said as Abigail finished the profile scan on her and studied the results. After a brief moment, the medical officer nodded and turned her attention towards Commander Valenar.

Innovindil clenched her jaw as the Medical Officer scanned her with the tricorder and then waited for the scan results. For as long as she had been in Starfleet she had hated the medical examinations, and there was no reason behind it. Still, she allowed herself to relax when the Medical Officer smiled.

"You're clear, Commander," the Officer said before she turned to the next person to be examined.

"Well, I refuse to stand here and be treated as a common criminal. I demand a shuttle and a pilot or I'm going to have the lot of you brought up on charges!" the civilian shouted.

Alistar walked through the doors to sickbay and stopped as he realized that he had walked into the middle of an argument. He was a little surprised since most of the time people who had just been rescued from impending doom were normally a little less inclined to be overly aggressive. It didn't help that the woman had been on a ship in a system that the ship had had no business being in, and his suspicious brain was already working in high gear. Heading over to the scene, he nodded at everyone before he spoke to the civilian.

"I'm commander Alistar McKeon, CO of the Endeavour. I'd like to know just why your ship was orbiting a Q class planet."

"You can ask all you want commander, but all I'm going to say is that I want a shuttle and a pilot. I have research to get back to," the woman snapped.

Alistar narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Lady, you're in no position to demand anything from me or anyone on my ship. And if you don't change your attitude you can float back down to that dead rock and stay there," he growled.

"You dare threaten me! Do you even know who I am?"

"Not a frakking clue," Alistar said.

"I'm Merannia Vias," the woman said.

Alistar shook his head. He didn't keep up with people who he didn't have daily contact with or who were important enough for him to remember so there was no way for him to know that name. He had to think about it for several minutes before he realized who she was. "You're the research director who was removed from the Federation science council for conducting unauthorized experiments weren't you?"

"Unauthorized, not illegal," Merannia snapped.

"Couldn't be proved. So, my question remains. Why were you out here?" Alistar asked.

Merannia folded her arms across her chest and glared at Alistar. After a moment he shrugged and turned to the lieutenant who had been aboard her ship. "Same question, lieutenant. I'd suggest you answer," Alistar said.

The officer shook his head. "I'm sorry commander, but I'm under orders....."

"Master at arms, I want everyone from that survey ship placed under arrest and assigned guest quarters. After I debrief the away team bring the lieutenant here to my ready room," Alistar said.

Isabella's eyes widened as she realized what had just taken place. Without so much as a warning or conferring with Starfleet Command, Commander McKeon had just placed the Alexandria's survivors under arrest. It was uncanny and often unheard of, since there weren't any major formal charges that could be brought against the officers or the civilian that she could think of. In fact, the most that she could think of in terms of charges that could be brought against anyone would most likely be minor charges against the Starfleet officers for refusing to cooperate in a noncriminal investigation by fellow Starfleet personnel. Those were minor charges, and could in most cases be dismissed under certain conditions.

"Sir, are you sure we're not overstepping our limit of authority in this situation?" Isabella finally asked, curious as to why her commander would go to what seemed to be extreme measures.

"We just put our ship and crew in jeopardy to save them, the least they will do is explain why they were here in the first place," Alistar said as he watched the 'guests' be escorted out of sickbay.

"I believe Lieutenant dei'Silvisi may have a point. Our authority as members of Starfleet doesn't extend this far into intergalactic space, and there is no evidence that can be used to bring up any charges against them," Innovindil said with a frown.

"I can hold them for 24 hours without bringing up charges," Alistar said. "But, Miss Vias as a civilian has to be charged with a crime or released within 24 hours, the others are Starfleet personnel and are subject to a different set of regulations."

"I see, you intend to charge them with conduct unbecoming of Starfleet Officers and possibly refusal to heed the authority of a superior Officer," Innovindil said with a nod.

"Something like that, only much worse," Alistar said. "Both of you take the rest of the day off along with everyone else who was on the away team. As soon as the planet is through blowing up we'll head for DS5 and I intend to have this matter wrapped up by then. Dismissed."

Innovindil raised an eyebrow and nodded, wondering what exactly the Commanding Officer had up his sleeve. Knowing that it would be borderline illegal, highly unorthodox, and definitely questionable, she shook her head and thought seriously about requesting the rest of the week off. Instead, she saluted and took a step towards the door. She would let the Commander handle this situation, if for nothing else than because she was sure that he already had a plan.

Turning her head to watch Commander Valenar leave sickbay, Isabella couldn't help but wonder what was going through the other woman's mind. She knew that Commander Valenar had served with Commander McKeon longer, and while Isabella could only guess at what the Endeavour's commanding officer was thinking of, she was sure that Valenar had a much better idea than Isabella did. She turned to give Commander McKeon a questioning look before she decided that it was best not to ask. She would find out in due time, so instead of asking, Isabella simply shook her head and headed towards the door.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Chief of Security and Tactical


Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Second Officer


Various NPCs


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