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SD 241505.19 Joint Log: Commanding officer and executive officer (Cmdr McKeon, Lt dei`Silvisi)

Posted on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 2:08am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Alistar McKeon

751 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Alistar downed the last bit of his coffee before it could cool off to a temperature that was undrinkable and set the cup back into the replicator. The cup vanished as the replicator system reclaimed it back to storage. Even though he had lived with replicator technology his entire life, Alistar was still amazed at the system and how it worked. Like most advanced technological things, his eyes glazed over when someone tried to explain it to him, but he was very thankful for it. Turning to his desk and the stack of padds that waited for him, Alistar sat down and picked the stack up to quickly count how many padds were there. Picking up the first one, he read the intro page and instantly knew what it was. He set the padd down and tapped the comm. "DeiSilvisi report to my ready room."

As was normal lately, Isabella had been assigned to bridge duty and since she was a member of the command staff and the highest ranking officer on duty, she was the default officer in charge. She didn't mind so much, since it gave her time and experience in command that she needed. There also wasn't much to do at the moment; the Endeavour was heading home to Deep Space 5 at a steady speed of warp 9, the fastest cruising speed that the Endeavour could achieve without a declared emergency. Like everyone else on board the ship, Isabella had watched the recording of Basik 3 exploding, and silently she had been thankful that the away team had managed to get off of the planet before the planet had exploded, just as she was thankful that they had completed their mission objectives as well.

It was, for the most part, turning out to be a decent day, so when the comm buzzed with the announcement for her to report to the ready room, Isabella grew somewhat nervous. Looking around, she nodded towards the officer at security and tactical to take over as she stood and walked across the bridge to the ready room doors. They opened at her approach, so she walked in. "You wanted to see me, Sir?" Isabella asked as she stopped and stood in front of the desk.

"Ah, Silvisi, yes," Alistar said as he stood and walked around his desk. "I understand you passed the XO/CC with a perfect score. That's good, because I just signed off on Valenar's transfer to the Hyperion last night and I currently need an XO. I wanted to know if you were still interested in the position."

"Am I ever!" Isabella exclaimed, excitement taking over her voice. She had been worried the entire time she had been taking the executive officers exam that she wouldn't get the position. Too often it was the case that officers had to wait before they were offered an executive officer's position, and open positions were usually offered to trained and available officers who had been placed on a list. In most cases, officers with seniority were offered open positions first, and the fact that Commander McKeon had offered it to her first told her that he wanted her to take the position. "Yes, Sir, I'm still very interested in the position," Isabella said once the excitement passed.

Alistar chuckled at the Lt's enthusiasm. He understood completely, since he had been surprised when he had been offered his first true command position. Simply passing the courses and having the recommendations and time in didn't always guarantee that one would get offered a position. He offered his hand and nodded. "Congratulations lieutenant," he said.

Isabella Accepted McKeon's hand and shook it. "Thank you, Commander," she said.

"I hope you still thank me after you've served as XO for a while," Alistar said. "I've already signed the formal paperwork, so as of 0600 this morning, you're officially the XO on the Endeavour. Keep up the good work."

"I intend to," Isabella said. "I take it you want me to jump straight into the paperwork right away?"

"Get settled in first, and then handle any paperwork that comes your way," Alistar said. "There shouldn't be much right now anyway, since we're returning to base port. If you run into any trouble let me know. For now, just settle in."

"I will, thank you Commander," Isabella said as she offered McKeon a quick, sharp salute before she turned and walked out of the ready room.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO. USS Endeavour

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer
USS Endeavour


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