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StarDate 241505.31 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Chief of Security and Tactical: Lieutenant Isabella dei'Silvisi and Lieutenant Akira-Ri Sato

Posted on Sun May 31st, 2015 @ 5:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

809 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

As Akira stepped through the docking hatch and onto the Endeavour, she reminded herself mentally to keep a professional expression on her face. It was an understatement to say that she was excited to be posted to the Endeavour, especially as Chief of Security and Tactical. She had arrived at Deep Space Five aboard the Syren, her mother's command, nearly a week before, and during that time she had taken to read as much as she could on the Endeavour and the crew assigned. It was a habit her mother had mentioned as a good trait for any Starfleet Officer to develop and Akira had always believed in preparing herself for anything. It was a good thing too, if for nothing else than for the fact that the Endeavour had a slightly different layout than most Intrepid class starships. She had spent an entire day studying the layout, if for nothing else than because any good Security Officer needed to know every inch of the starship they were assigned to. Of course, the same could be said of anyone assigned to a starship. Having been informed that she was to report to the Executive Officer, Akira made her way to the turbo-lift and used the manual command panel to key in Deck One as her destination. Once there, it took her barely four minutes to locate the Executive Officer's office and tap the door chime.

Isabella had downloaded the service records for the new crew that would be coming on board, and while she wished that she had been given more time to read through and study the records, she had settled for taking a quick glance through each one. In the upcoming week, she would print the records out and place them in a filing cabinet that she had had installed in her office. It was an odd habit, but Isabella had found that she enjoyed going through actual paperwork, so she had developed a technique that allowed her to keep both a hard copy and a Padd with each crewmember's information. She had heard of other officer's doing the same thing, and it was something that was becoming standard on starbases which had flag offices as well as in the main offices at Starfleet Command. Currently, however, Isabella had to be content with glancing through a Padd at the highlights of each service record, and she was in the middle of one file when the door chime rang. "Enter," Isabella said without looking up from the Padd.

Akira stepped through the doors and walked across the office to stand before the desk. Bracing to attention, she rendered a sharp salute.

"Lieutenant Akira-Ri Sato reporting for duty, Ma'am," Akira said.

Isabella smiled as she glanced up and set the Padd she had been reading down on the top of her desk. She had managed to glance through Akira's service record before, mostly because the lieutenant was the highest ranking officer that had recently been assigned and because the position of chief security and tactical was one of the most important positions on the ship. "At ease, Lieutenant," Isabella said with a welcoming smile. "I hate to toss you to the sharks so soon, but I have the feeling that the Endeavour is about to be sent right back out again, and the security department needs a bit of a tune up."

"Hai, Okusama," Akira replied automatically. She shook her head. "I'm sorry. Yes, Ma'am."

Isabella smiled. "It's alright, Lieutenant. I actually replied to my first commanding officer in Vulcan one time. Now, Lieutenant Heartly is the senior ranking security officer onboard, you may want to get with her on matters relating to security. We don't have a senior ranking tactical officer, or even a non commissioned officer, for that matter."

Akira nodded. She had expected that, in part because most starships operated with the Chief of Security and Tactical focusing more on the matters of Tactical and delegating some of the responsibility of Security to a Second. She had intended to do just that, but since there was already an Officer in place, then her job was made even that much easier.

"I had expected that, Ma'am, and I intend to keep a system similar to that in place. And I don't mind getting to work right away. I actually insist on jumping right in," Akira said.

"That's great," Isabella said. "I would like to see a status report on your department by 0900 tomorrow morning. If that's all, I'll let you get to it. Dismissed, Lieutenant."

Akira rendered a second salute before she turned and stepped out of the office. Smiling, she started towards the turbo-lift and from there to Security. She had a feeling that she was going to enjoy her new assignment.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Akira-Ri Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical


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