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StarDate 241506.02 Duty Log: Chief of Security and Tactical (Lieutenant Akira Sato)

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 2:02am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

578 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

"Well, I have to admit that this certainly is the most interesting crew roster that I've seen in a while," Akira said as she finished examining the manifest roster for the Security and Tactical Department. Indeed, it was probably the most unique group of Security and Tactical personnel she had seen throughout her entire career as a Starfleet Officer. There might be other starships in Starfleet that had security crew rosters that were as unique or more interesting as the Endeavour's was, but Akira had never personally been on one of those ships before. Sitting in a chair facing her desk, Lieutenant Kyra Heartly, the senior ranking Security Officer left aboard the Endeavour, chuckled and gave her new Department Head a smile.

"Indeed, I said something similar when I first came aboard," Kyra said.

"There are only five people in Security who don't have a reprimand on file, and that includes the two of us. But the problem seems to be that none of them know how to behave on shore leave," Akira remarked.

"I think that's why they were sent to the Endeavour. Commander Valenar had a reputation for straightening out the officers and enlisted personnel who needed a disciplinary correction or two. Other than the three that were arrested for smuggling and excessive criminal activities shortly after launch, I haven't seen a single person step out of line while on duty," Kyra said.

"That's because most of the problems seem to appear when these people are off duty and on shore leave," Akira said. "Five accounts of bar fighting, seventeen account of disorderly conduct, twelve accounts of disruptive behavior, and let's not even start on the Gorn. What was his name?"

"Sizb," Kyra replied. "Yeah, he's a handful when he's given the time to think out a series of practical jokes. That's why I've kept him on long patrol rotations. I've also been asked to keep him out of hydroponics and the other science labs, and medical requested that we only require the minimum of one yearly exam for him."

"Do I even want to know?" Akira asked.

"I don't even know," Kyra admitted.

Akira shook her head and set the Padd she had been reading down. All in all, the people assigned to her department were good people, some of them simply got a little too wild when left unchecked and unsupervised during leave. She would have to keep an eye on the problem child personnel until she was certain that it was either an unavoidable occurrence or they straightened out. Either way, it seemed that her request for an assignment that wasn't boring had been taken seriously. There was no doubt that the people under her supervision would keep her assignment to the Endeavour as interesting as they could.

"Alright. It doesn't seem like we're getting shore leave during this visit, but I do want to start working on getting everyone with a disciplinary remark in their personnel file straightened out to the point that we don't have to play mother hen every time we do get shore leave. As for the pranksters, we'll start by asking them to tone it down a little," Akira said as she tapped the Padd with her fingers.

"I'll start passing that along to everyone," Kyra said.

"Thank you, Kyra," Akira said with a thankful smile. "Now, let's discuss the training roster..."

Lieutenant Akira-Ri Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical

Lieutenant Kyra Heartly
Security Officer N.P.C.


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