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SD 241506.19 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Chief Engineer Lt Isabella dei`Silvisi and Lt Jera'turak Ros

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2015 @ 2:58pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

601 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Isabella left the senior officer's briefing with a strange, uneasy feeling that crept throughout her. Throughout her entire career in Starfleet, she had managed to avoid being in serious combat situations, even during the Dominion War. There had been several small skirmishes that she had been involved in, but nothing serious. However, she was now an executive officer on a starship that had just been ordered to battle stations after the ship had been ordered into a possible war zone. The situation was frightening to any officer, especially to her.

Another concern that Isabella had developed during the meeting was the condition of lieutenant Jera Ros. The chief engineer had been quiet during the majority of the briefing, and when she had spoken she had been somewhat choked up. Isabella knew that the lieutenant was half Romulan, but what she didn't know was just how close Jera was to her Romulan relatives. It took her several minutes to catch up to the taller woman, and not for the first time Isabella caught up to the other officer at the turbo lift doors.

"Lieutenant Ros, I'd like a moment of your time, please," Isabella said as she stopped beside the engineer.

Jera turned to face the XO and tried hard to keep her expression neutral as she nodded. She had expected either the CO or XO to track her down and talk to her, but at the same time she had hoped to escape without having to talk about what was bothering her. "Lieutenant, I know I choked up and worried everyone during the briefing, but I can perform my duty as chief engineer," she said.

"I'm not questioning your ability to perform your duties, I wanted to know if you needed to talk to anyone about what's bothering you," Isabella said.

Jera started to refuse the short woman's offer but she stopped short of her snappy remark actually being spoken and for the first time in a long time she allowed her defenses to lower for one short moment to nod. "I have family who died during the Reman rebellion, and some of the ones who survived moved to Nequencia a few months ago to get away from the dangers of the capital world. It's only two hours from Tranome Sar at high warp. And the Klingons aren't going to be stopped by the presence of a Federation fleet."

"That's why it's important for us to get Chancellor Martok to starbase 234 and help him rally his forces," Isabella said. "That way he can defeat this Kur'vagh and ensure that there isn't a war."

"Do you really think it'll be that simple?" Jera asked her tone almost snappy.

"I don't expect anything will be simple," Isabella replied calmly. "But, I expect that everyone on this ship will do their duty as Starfleet officers and do what we must all do in order to complete this mission. The crew is family, and we all try to help each other."

"I know that," Jera half snapped. "I'm just worried about my actual family."

"I know. I'm just saying that there's always someone here who is willing to talk to you any time you need," Isabella said.

"Thank you," Jera said, honestly meaning it. "If you don't mind, I need to get to engineering."

"Go ahead," Isabella said with a nod. "Just remember, my door is always open."

Jera nodded and tapped the door controls. As the turbo lift doors opened, she entered the lift and ordered it to take her to 11.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer


Acting Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros
Chief Engineer


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