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StarDate 241506.23 Duty Log: Chief of Security and Tactical (Includes various N.P.C.s)

Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2015 @ 2:11am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Ensign Sizb

576 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

The armory was a nest of activity as Akira stepped through the blast doors and into the weapons storage locker. Lieutenant Kyra Heartly was already there overseeing the armory specialists who were issuing out phasers. There were several Officers and enlisted crew who had already been issued weapons and were waiting for specific orders just inside the armory. Akira caught Heartly's attention and waved her over to where the others were waiting. As Heartly made her way over to the group, Akira turned and started directing the teams that were already formed to their designated posts. The only two who didn't have set positions were Lieutenant Heartly and Ensign Sizb.

"Kyra, I want you and Sizb to patrol the entire ship and make an inspection of all security positions, then report to your posts," Akira said.

"Um, Lieutenant, where is my post?" Sizb asked, confusion showing on the Gorn's face.

"I can use him in engineering, Ma'am," Kyra said quickly, stepping into the conversation as she stopped and stood beside the Gorn Officer.

"That sounds like a good idea," Akira said as she nodded her head in agreement. It truly was a good idea, since the security department was barely up to the standard staff numbers required for Intrepid class starships.

"Understood," Sizb said, nodding in a salute before he shouldered his phaser rifle and stepped towards the door.

"How long is the Commander going to hold us at battle stations?" Kyra asked as she watched Sizb leave. Once the Gorn was out of sight, she turned to face her department head directly.

"Until he says otherwise, would be my guess. I'm honestly surprised he called for battle stations, but if we're heading into a hostile situation I can understand that he wants to be cautious. Either way, until the alert level is lowered we'll maintain battle stations. I want you to make sure that all security personnel are rotated out in shifts every four to five hours until we arrive at the Lambda Hydrae system. We'll know more then, so we can adjust our rotation accordingly," Akira said.

"Alright. But I'm not crazy about taking Sizb down to engineering. He's like a kid inns candy store when he gets around anything he doesn't know anything about," Kyra said as she checked the power settings on her phaser rifle and shouldered it.

"Just keep him from climbing onto the warp core and getting in the way of the engineering staff," Akira said, shaking her head.

Kyra snorted in amusement at the thought of a Gorn climbing up and down the Endeavour's warp core before she nodded and stepped around Lieutenant Sato and towards the door. She found Sizb outside in the corridor and tapped him on the snout.

"Come on, alligator, we've got defense positions to inspect," she said before she led him off to the turbo lift.

Akira shook her head and stepped over to the armory’s counter, where she accepted a Type II hand phaser and a Type IV phaser carbine. Adjusting the shoulder strap on the carbine, Akira slung it over her shoulder before adding the holster for her hand phaser to her uniform belt. After checking the power settings on both and her spare clips, she checked in with her security supervisors before she started towards the bridge.

Lieutenant Akira-Ri Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical

Lieutenant Kyra Heartly N.P.C.
Security Officer

Ensign Sizb N.P.C.
Security Officer


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