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Sd 241506.29 Joint engineering log: Walker, Ros

Posted on Tue Jun 30th, 2015 @ 5:10am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker

798 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

The maintenance shop Kev had taken over in order to repair the shuttles Everest and Erinyes was the largest repair bay on the Endeavour. But when a team of engineers put two shuttles inside and started stripping them down, that space filled up quick. Even with the call to battle stations in place, Kev continued to work on the shuttles, only with less help. So far, he had managed to strip the nacelles down and set the parts to the side, along with the impulse engines and thruster modules, but he hadn't been able to actually start repairing or cleaning the parts. Kev had in fact just checked in with his immediate supervisor and returned to the bay. After looking around for a few minutes, he picked up several manifold screening elements and dropped them into a bucket of cleaning solution before he turned his attention to the primary nacelles and their parts. Sitting down next to the starboard nacelle on the Everest, Kev picked up an engineering tricorder and started a detailed scan.

Jera felt somewhat better, having had time to collect her thoughts and send a quick message off to her family members who lived near the Neutral Zone. She had to admit that until recently, she had never thought much about the relatives she had on her Romulans side, but the Reman uprising in 2379 had caused a lot of changes for countless people. Among them was Jera, who had started to actually give a damn about what little family she had left as well as her Starfleet career.

After checking in on the staff in main engineering, Jera found herself roaming about the ship, checking in with various posts and making sure that critical stations and damage control officers were in their places. Much to her curiosity, Ensign Walker seemed to not be anywhere around. Wondering why one of her senior repair specialists was missing, Jera checked in with the supervisors until she was pointed towards maintenance bay one, just to the side of the shuttle storage bay. Walking into the bay, Jera blinked at the sight of the two shuttles that had been literally ripped into pieces and neatly placed about the bay. Spotting Walker, she walked over and folded her arms over her chest. "So, having fun?"

Kev looked up from the tricorder and shook his head. "I've been working on these shuttles for a bloody week, most of that time with no help and I have to keep checking in with my supervisory officer to make sure I'm not needed at a DCS somewhere. For some reason, they keep sending me back here to work on these shuttles by myself."

"Maybe you shouldn't be such a great and wonderful repair specialist," Jera chuckled as she leaned over and looked at the inside of the nacelle. "The casing is good, it'll need cleaning but most of the internal parts that have air flow will need to be removed and cleaned or replaced."

"I know, but there's still the connection points and air flow spacing between everything that needs to be checked as well. I might as well get a high pressure water hose and wash the shuttles down. At least then we'd be getting somewhere," Kev grumped.

"I'm surprised you haven't done that already," Jera said as she ran her hand down the inside of the nacelle casing. A fine layer of soot and atmospheric ash came away, some of it sticking to her hand while the rest drifted into the air. "On second thought, I'd recommend washing everything down before you start bathing every little part in cleaning solvent. It'll take less time."

"Is that even in the regulations?" Kev asked, surprised that a chief engineer would even suggest such a thing.

"It used to be a standard practical procedure, I don't see the harm in trying it. These things are rated for limited underwater usage and they've been flown through rainstorms before, so everything you'd be washing down would get wet anyway. What's the worst that can happen?" Jera said.

"Something shorts out and we have to request a completely new shuttle?" Kev returned.

"Alright, try it with one shuttle. If it doesn't work, I'll sign off on scrapping the shuttle and you only have to worry about repairing one," Jera said.

"Alright, if you say so boss lady," Kev said with a shrug. "But it's your crazy idea and you're authorizing it, so I'll try it."

"Just remember to cover up the electronics," Jera said before she turned headed out of the bay. Brushing her hands off, she shook her head. There was no doubt in her mind that it was about to get interesting in the repair bay.

Acting Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros
Chief Engineer


Ensign Kev Walker


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