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StarDate 241507.04 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Chief of Security and Tactical

Posted on Sat Jul 4th, 2015 @ 6:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

736 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Akira was clearly not happy as she stormed through the corridors on Deck Three in search of a specific cabin number. She found the cabin easily enough, there were few senior officer quarters on the entire ship and the command level quarters were even fewer in number. What was the larger problem for Akira was whether or not she wanted to press the door chime and interrupt the person inside. After several long agonizing moments, Akira finally pressed the door chime and braced to attention.

Sitting on the couch in a bathrobe and hovering over a cup of hot tea, Isabella mentally groaned as the door chime rang out. She knew that sooner or later someone would have come calling, especially with the new alert status being called and no explanation given. There was very little she could do but try to deflect the questions for now, and even that was sometimes difficult to do. Setting the cup down, Isabella stood and walked over to the doorway, her hand reaching out and tapping the controls. The door opened to reveal Lieutenant Sato, the security and tactical chief.

"Lieutenant, how are you this morning?" Isabella asked, her voice betraying the fact that she was tired.

"I'm alright, Lieutenant. However, I would like to know the reason why Commander McKeon has resumed General Quarters and Battle Stations so soon. My people are tired and we haven't been told anything," Akira said formally.

"I haven't been told anything either, except that I have a meeting with the commander in a few hours," Isabella said before she waved the other woman to enter her quarters and headed back to her couch. "I just got the notification a few minutes ago."

Akira stepped through the doorway and into the Executive Officer's quarters. She glanced around quickly as the doors slid shut behind her before she stepped over to one of the chairs that were set beside the table. Sitting down, the Japanese Officer nodded towards Lieutenant dei'Silvisi.

"Feel free to help yourself to the replicator," Isabella said as she picked up her tea and took a sip.

"I'm good," Akira said. "I would rather know more about what the ship is flying towards. As the Chief of Security and Tactical, the security of the ship and its crew are in a large part my responsibility, and I would like to know as far in advance as possible if there's going to be any danger to the ship and her crew."

"I intend to ask about the possibilities of there being any forms of grave danger to the ship and crew when I speak to Commander McKeon in a few hours," Isabella said as she took another sip of her tea. "From what I understand from the briefing and everything else I've seen from the fleet wide reports, I can almost definitely tell you that we will most likely have to defend ourselves. I think the commander has the same thoughts about our mission, and he's simply taking precautions."

"His precautions may cause the crew to be nearly exhausted by the time we get into a situation in which we will have to defend ourselves. I'm not saying I don't understand, I'm simply trying to make a point that I'm not sure the Commander hasn't seen or has overlooked," Akira said.

"I agree," Isabella said with a nod. "I had the same thought earlier and I intend to bring it up to Commander McKeon when we have our meeting. I'll add your concerns to mine when I speak to him."

"That's all I ask," Akira said. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

"No, thank you, Miss Sato. I'd rather have people come to me with their concerns, especially when those concerns involve matters that include the ship and the crew," Isabella said.

"I'll keep that in mind," Akira said as she stood. "Thank you, Ma'am. If that's all, I'd like to return to duty."

"Dismissed. And thank you again for bringing this to my attention," Isabella said.

Akira offered a stiff, professional nod before she stepped across the main room of the Executive Officer's quarters and back out into the corridor. She felt better now that she had voiced her concerns, so she pushed her concerns to the back of her mind and returned her focus to her duties at hand.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Akira-Ri Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical


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