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241507.07 Joint log: Cmdr McKeon, Lt Silvisi

Posted on Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 4:47am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

805 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Alistar grumbled and stumbled into his ready room, more asleep than awake and wishing like hell he was still asleep. The ship was at battle stations, all hands were rotating through four hour shifts and probably not very happy. Such was life in Starfleet. There was always something going on. Alistar just wished that he wasn't flying his ship into the middle of a Klingon civil war. Walking up to the replicator, he cleared his throat before ordering. "Coffee, black, extra sweet," he said.

Isabella calmly walked through the corridors of the Endeavour, trying her best to give the junior crew members a calming and disarming presence. The crew had been at action and battle stations for over a week, and the continuation of the heightened alert status earlier in the morning had not been encouraging to the crew. As she inspected the ship and the crew before her early morning meeting with the commanding officer, Isabella couldn't help but worry. There were too many unknown factors and too many things that could go wrong during the mission, and the crew knew it. Checking the time, Isabella sighed and started towards the commander's ready room. Once there, she simply tapped the door control panel and walked inside as the doors opened.

"Good morning, Commander," Isabella said, trying hard to offer McKeon a smile. She was just a little too tired, and her expression reflected it.

"Morning," Alistar said without looking up. He was sitting at his desk reading over the pile of reports that had accumulated since the Klingon civil war had started hours before. "Have a seat lieutenant. You're not going to like this."

"I already am uncomfortable with the situation," Isabella said as she sat down. "I've had several reports and complaints about the ship being at battle stations for such an extended period of time."

"It's not going to get any easier," Alistar said as he handed his XO a padd. "The Klingon High Council has either been arrested or executed, Martok is on the run, and Council member Kur’vagh is now mostly in charge of the Empire."

"Mostly?" Isabella asked, curiosity in her voice as she accepted the padd and started reading through its contents.

"Martok has a sizable force loyal to him, and a number of ships have remained on his side, but Kur’vagh has a personal military force that outnumbers Martok by 3 to 1. That doesn't include the regular military forces that joined him after the coup."

"So, what does this mean as far as our mission is concerned?" Isabella asked, even though she was afraid to do so.

"Our standing orders are to patrol the Neutral Zone and report any Klingon activity that may be hostile actions against the Federation or Romulans. We're still to attempt to make contact with Martok if possible. In either case, if we're to defend ourselves if attacked by any Klingon ship, no questions asked," Alistar answered.

"How far are we to patrol along the Neutral Zone?" Isabella asked.

"Our orders are unspecified as to that," Alistar answered. "In fact they are somewhat vague on a number of areas."

"That sounds just about right," Isabella said, her tone clearly unhappy.

"I've already passed out updates to department heads, but I want to remain at red alert for the remainder of the day. If nothing happens by 2200, I'll suspend battle stations and we'll return to yellow alert status ship wide," Alistar said.

"I think I can calm everyone down with that," Isabella said with a nod. "But I'd like to recommend that tactical systems be online at all times."

"Agreed," Alistar said.

"If that's all, sir, I'll get the standing orders passed out. What course should I have helm set?" Isabella asked as she stood.

"Set us out along the Neutral Zone, but keep us in neutral space. We have a pass from the Romulan government to patrol the zone, so any trouble will come from the Klingons," Alistar said. "But tell helm to engage at low warp or even impulse speeds."

"Aye, commander," Isabella said, her voice carrying a slightly confused and curious tone. She was just a bit both curious and confused as to why McKeon would want the Endeavour to cruise along at low speeds when there was clearly a lot of space to cover, but she decided to ask him about it later. Offering a nod, she turned and headed to the bridge.

Alistar watched Silvisi leave and as the doors slid shut behind her he sighed and picked up a padd. There was still a lot to deal with regarding the Endeavour's new orders and he didn't like any of it. Finishing his coffee, he started to read, hoping like hell that the day would improve.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer


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