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StarDate 241507.10 Joint Log: Commanding Officer and Civilian Auxiliary Officer

Posted on Fri Jul 10th, 2015 @ 5:41pm by Ensign Elanawen Valenar & Captain Alistar McKeon

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Alistar stared out the view port and watched the stars streak past. The Endeavour was slowly cruising through the Klingon/Romulan neutral zone at warp 2, all of her sensors aimed as far as they would go in every direction as she sniffed around for any signs of trouble. Other than several border skirmishes between the Klingons and Romulans that were little more than testing raids, it was quiet. Inside the Klingon Empire was a different story. A chaotic civil war raged across the Empire, Martok's forces trying to shore up defenses and rally while Kur’vagh forces lashed out at any who didn't openly swear allegiance to the newly installed government. Alistar was having a hard time keeping up to date with everything, since it kept changing every hour. So far, nothing had come in the general direction of the Endeavour, which was fine with her commanding officer.

The general quiet mood also let Alistar turn his attention to other matters. Turning back to his desk, he picked up a padd that had a request form and test scores that had been sent to him by Starfleet. It also contained addition forms, all of which had been verified and now waited for him to make a decision. It was also a difficult decision to make, but he hoped that he was making a good call as he tapped the comm. "McKeon to Valenar, report to my ready room," he said.

Elanawen Valenar looked up from the book she had been reading and frowned momentarily before she instantly smiled. She had been waiting for a call from the Commanding Officer for weeks, and now she only hoped that she was about to hear good news. Practically tossing the book aside, Elanawen jumped to her feet and checked her appearance in the mirror before she rushed out the door and into the corridor. Due to the Endeavour's current alert status, the corridors easier for Elanawen to navigate, since most of the Officer and crewmen who were awake were at their duty posts. A few were in the corridors, either Security personnel who were on patrol or someone who was coming from or going to their quarters or station. It took her less than eight minutes to arrive at the Commanding Officer's ready room, and once there she eagerly tapped the door chime.

"Enter," Alistar called at the sound of the door chime. It was an automatic response, but he already had an idea of who it was.

Elanawen stepped through the doors and across the ready room to stand before the Commanding Officer's desk. She tried to hide her excitement by telling herself to expect bad news instead of good, but it was extremely difficult. Trying to cover up the fact that her nerves were on edge, she clasped her hands behind her back and offered a smile before she spoke.

"You asked to see me, Commander?" Elanawen asked.

"Yes I did, Ms Valenar," Alistar said as he tapped the padd he had been reading. "I have here a request you fill out shortly after you came aboard to fill in as a reservist aboard the Endeavour. Naturally, you had to take the aptitude tests and your mother had to sign off on the whole thing. With everything that's happened lately, I'm just now getting to this. But, I have to ask, do you still wish to join as an auxiliary reservist aboard this ship?"

"Yes, Sir, more than anything," Elanawen said, hiding the fact that she was both worried and excited at the same time.

"Well then, you're out of uniform," Alistar said as he slid a velvet box across the desk. "As of this morning, I'm naming you as an Acting Ensign of the Starfleet civilian auxiliary forces assigned to the USS Endeavour and assigned you to operations and science as a generalist officer in both departments. You’ll report to the XO for duty assignments as soon as you see the quartermaster for your uniforms. I've already approved for you to keep your current quarters."

"Thank you, Commander," Elanawen said, feeling a wave of excitement rush through her. She hadn't expected to be assigned to both Operations and Science, but she had requested both since the two departments worked closely together most of the time. Picking up the velvet box, she smiled. She couldn't help but feel that her mother had had something to do with her being approve, but it didn't matter. She had been accepted and had an assignment.

"Dismissed Ensign," Alistar said, offering the teenager a hint of a smile.

Elanawen smiled against and resisted the urge to rush around the desk and give the Commanding Officer a hug. Instead, she nodded excitedly and turned around before she stepped towards the door. She already knew where the Quartermaster's office was, so her main concern would be to find the Executive Officer once she had her uniforms and gear. Hurrying from the ready room and towards her next stop, Elanawen couldn't help but smile as she gripped her rank insignia tightly in her hand.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


Acting Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Auxiliary Operations Officer
Auxiliary Science Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour


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