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241507.12 Plot Log: Cmdr Alistar McKeon

Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2015 @ 9:41pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

851 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

On board the Klingon warship M'k'chong

General Toq smiled as he watched the Mrotzhol warp towards the Romulan border. The Mrotzhol was far from the being the newest and most powerful warship in the fleet, but the Vor'cha class ship was still powerful enough to lead an assault fleet into Romulan space. Behind the Vor'cha class cruiser followed a pack of five B'rel birds of prey. Before the fleet lay the open space that would soon belong to the Klingon Empire. Under Kur'vagh's orders, Toq would strike at the weakest systems and claim them for the Klingon Empire. If everything went according to plan, the Empire would be able to claim nearly a dozen systems before the Romulans or even the Federation could even react.

"General, long range sensors are detecting a Federation starship located in the Neutral Zone!" the Mrotzhol's first officer suddenly reported.

"What?" Toq snarled as he turned to the ship's commander. "I thought the Federation fleet was in Tranome Sar!"

"It is. Scanners are reading this ship as an Intrepid class. There weren't any ships of that class reported to be in that fleet," the commander said.

Toq nodded. "Send the K'tav and the krak'Mot to attack and cripple this ship. Slow the rest of the fleet to warp 5 until they return."

= = = =

On board the USS Endeavour

Alistar headed out onto the bridge with a cup of coffee in hand. It had already been a long day, and like everyone else on the Endeavour he was ready for it to end. The bridge was quiet, because of the hectic routine on the ship lately the crew had been rotating shifts. Looking around the bridge, Alistar frowned at the collection of unknowns who were currently manning the bridge. It was barely a quarter after 1000, but the bridge was manned by members of second and third shift. Shrugging, Alistar headed over to the tactical station for an update. The specialist on duty looked up and started to speak when the Endeavour suddenly rocked wildly.

Alistar slammed into the bulkhead beside the tactical station and landed onto the deck. Shaking the hit off, he stood and grabbed for the guide rail that ran behind the command chair. "Report!" he barked.

"Direct hits, aft quarter. Shields holding," the tactical specialist reported.

The ship rocked again as a furious series of more hits slammed into the Endeavour's shields. Alistar growled as he made his way around to the command chair and climbed into the seat. Taking a quick glance around the bridge, he set his jaw as he noticed that he didn't know the names of anyone on the bridge. He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind and turned his attention to the situation.

"Status?" he asked, having to yell over the noise of alarms and impact hits.

"Shields holding at 89%, phasers on standby, torpedo launchers armed and ready. I'm reading two Klingon B'rel class ships moving in attack formation," the tactical officer reported.

"Helm, drop us out of warp. Set impulse speed to maximum attack speed. Stand by for combat maneuvers. Tactical, lock phasers on both ships, fire on my command only," Alistar ordered.

As both NCOs at the helm and tactical stations replied to their orders, Alistar activated the command console beside his chair and brought up the tactical readouts. Watching closely, he narrowed his eyes as he studied the visual readouts carefully as the Klingon ships moved in for another attack. As they came about and moved back into formation, Alistar nodded.

"Attack pattern Beta 1 Alpha, Fire at will!" Alistar ordered. At once, the Endeavour jumped forward, aiming towards the Klingon ships. Almost instantly, the ship fired its forward phasers, scoring several direct hits as the Endeavour screamed towards and between the two birds of prey. The maneuver clearly caught the Klingons off guard and was completely unexpected since both ships broke away and aborted their attack run. The Endeavour continued to fire as she passed, but the tactical specialist on duty wasn't the best since he missed as many times as he scored a hit. It didn't matter, since both Klingon ships were angling away from the Endeavour, giving the star ship a few moments to breathe.

"Warp status?" Alistar asked as he watched the readings.

"Warp drive is online, standing by," the helmsman reported.

"Set a course for the Lambda Hydrae system, maximum warp and engage when ready," Alistar ordered. The Endeavour instantly came about and jumped instantly to warp speed. Once the ship had reached warp speed, Alistar leaned back in his chair and let out a long breath of relief. Looking up towards the tactical specialist, he nodded. "Contact all senior officers, I want them in the briefing room in ten minutes. Let Lieutenant Silvisi know that I want a report in five minutes, tell her to bring it to me personally. And then get Admiral Greer on the comm. Patch him through to my ready room as soon as you have him online," he said before he stood and headed to his ready room.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour

Various NPCs


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