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SD 241507.13 Joint Duty Log: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer

Posted on Tue Jul 14th, 2015 @ 12:23am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Alistar McKeon

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Isabella felt guilty for leaving the bridge, even for a short break, however she had been up ever since Commander McKeon had first briefed her on the situation in the Klingon Empire and she was exhausted. Retiring to her quarters, she had eaten and taken a quick shower before grabbing a short nap. Feeling a little refreshed, she had changed into a clean uniform and was heading down the corridor to the nearest turbo-lift when the Endeavour rocked suddenly, throwing her sideways into the bulkhead. Isabella managed to throw her arms up seconds before she slammed into the bulkhead, but the impact jarred her, and she was unable to keep her footing. The Endeavour rocked again as Isabella fell, throwing her back against the bulkhead. This time, she was unable to protect herself and she felt blood oozing down the side of her face after she slammed into the bulkhead.

“Damn it,” the short Italian woman muttered as she took a moment to steady herself. As she stood, she could sense that the ship was dropping out of warp. Silently, she wondered what was going on. Some officers could tell if a starship was maneuvering at sub light speeds, but Isabella couldn’t tell. There were some times that she couldn’t even tell if the ship was at warp or not, but she had been learning to tell the difference. It was difficult to tell at the moment, however, since alarms were ringing throughout the ship.

As she re-orientated herself, Isabella caught her breath and hurried towards the nearest turbo-lift. There were a number of people who would question the logic of getting in one during a battle, but Isabella knew that she needed to get to the bridge quickly and she had no intention of climbing three decks through the Jefferies tubes. Her claustrophobia would be bad enough when the ship wasn’t being attacked, but with a situation happening, there was absolutely no way she was climbing into one. Somewhere halfway to the bridge, however, she could tell that the Endeavour had jumped back into warp. Isabella waited impatiently until the turbo-lift doors opened and she charged out onto the bridge.

“Report!” Isabella called as she quickly headed across the bridge. She couldn’t see the commander, which could be a good thing or not, so she turned her attention to the tactical specialist on duty.

“We were attacked by a pair of Klingon ships, Ma’am,” the specialist reported as he handed her a padd. “They didn’t inflict anything other than very minor damage, although sickbay reported a few injuries. It wasn’t anything major that we need to worry about. We’re on our way back to Lambda Hydrae at warp nine; ETA is about five hours, no signs of any pursuit.”

“Thank you,” Isabella said as she accepted the padd. “Was there anything else?”

“Commander McKeon wanted you to report to the ready room as soon as I gave you the report,” the specialist said.

“Thank you, Specialist,” Isabella said, giving the NCO a smile before she headed towards the ready room doors. Taking a deep breath, she tapped the door chime and waited for a response.

Alistar snarled as he looked from pacing his ready room. "Enter!" he called, clearly unhappy. There was little to be happy about, his ship had just been attacked by Klingons whose loyalties and overall intentions were still unknown. And now, he had been informed that someone was jamming all long range communications. The comm officer had just reported the jamming to him over the commbadge barely a minute before the door chime had rang out, so he could only guess that Silvisi had just gotten to the bridge. He stopped his pacing in the middle of the ready room and stood, glaring towards the door.

Isabella headed into the ready room and noticed her commanding officer's expression right away. Instantly, she hoped that she hadn't done anything to warrant McKeon's wrath. He was grouchy enough when he was in a good mood, and being attacked by Klingons was enough to put anyone in a bad mood. Ignoring the dried blood in her scalp that had started to itch, she stopped two steps away from the commander and held out the padd she had been holding.

"I just got to the bridge. The tactical specialist filled me in on what happened," Isabella said.

"Did they tell you that the damned comm channels are being jammed?" Alistar growled as he grabbed the padd and glanced through the report. Most of what was on the report he already knew, but it was always good to be as up to date as possible.

"That part he forgot to tell me," Isabella said.

"So that means that we have at least two Klingon B'rel class attack ships that are cloaked and following us," Alistar said as he turned and tossed the padd onto his desk. "And that means that in five hours, we'll be in another fight when we reach Lambda Hydrae."

"Sir, I highly suggest we call for a senior officer's briefing and listen to what everyone else has to say," Isabella suggested.

"Already done that. In fact, we need to head that way right now," Alistar said. Waving his XO to follow him, Alistar walked out of his ready room through the side door and took the corridor that ran behind the bridge to the briefing room.

Isabella sighed and shook her head before she fell in behind her commanding officer. If anything had made her worry about the Endeavour's mission before, then the recent events that had befallen the ship lately definitely made her concerned. Already, the ship had been attacked, and there was good evidence that those attackers were even now preparing to attack the Endeavour again. She wished that it was as easy as Commander McKeon made it seem to not worry about the situation that the ship was in, but she was determined to do her best. As she followed the commanding officer to the briefing room, Isabella forced herself to focus her mind and return her attention to the situation at hand.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer


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