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StarDate 241412.26 - Joint Log, Part I: Executive Officer, Engineering Officer, Engineering Specialist, Various N.P.C.s

Posted on Sat Dec 27th, 2014 @ 3:21am by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Sat Dec 27th, 2014 @ 3:24am

1,005 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Innovindil rubbed her eyes as she leaned back in her chair and pushed away from her desk. She had suspected that there would be a fair amount of paperwork to deal with as the Executive Officer of a starship, but she hadn't realized just how much. She had come to realize that there was a reason why the Commanding Officer of a Federation starship spent so much time in their Ready Room. If the First Officer had to deal with as much as she had just completed on a daily basis, then she could only imagine what the Captain dealt with.

"At least we have a yeoman on board," Innovindil muttered aloud to herself as she picked up the next Padd and started reading.

Mark Vaughn, chief engineer of the Endeavour, was not a happy man. He liked to run a tight ship, with everything done on time in the right way, which meant that fifty complaints about the hot water not working, one of them reportedly from the first officer herself, was not something he was happy with. He had tracked the problem down, only to find that it had been fixed, and there was no report filed! So now, he was standing in front of two lines of engineers with a scowl on his face.

"Someone is responsible for this incident involving the hot water, and since they are too lazy to file a proper report, everyone in engineering is going to go through the ship and replace every single circuit chip until the guilty step forward," the CEO snapped.

Kev gulped and glanced at the petty officer beside him. He had been paired with Jera Ros and they had repaired the problem with the hot water, although it had taken longer than they had first hoped and now it had turned into a major ordeal for engineering. But, he wasn't about to have everyone else punished for his mistake, so he took a step forward.

"Sir, I'm responsible for the hot water being offline. I was hoping that it would be a simple fix, but I was wrong. Petty officer Ros repaired the system after I disabled it, but I ordered her not to file a report because I was planning on writing it at the end of the shift."

The CEO turned on Walker and glared at him for a moment before he nodded. "Walker, Ros, you two stay. Everyone else, dismissed!" as everyone else filed out of the engineering conference room, a few whispered "Good luck" to the two engineers. As the doors slid closed behind the last person out, Vaughn snarled. "Do you know that I had a call from the XO herself over this simple f*ck up you caused, Ensign? I don't like to be made a fool, and I won't have it. Both of you are on double shifts for a week and assigned to maintenance on night shift until further notice. Now, I have to go inform the XO personally that her hot water is back online." with that, he stormed out of the conference room.

Jera Ros blinked angrily but kept her mouth shut until Vaughn was gone. Only then did she slap the back of Ensign Walker's head. "Great job, moron," she said. "Next time, keep your hands off of everything until you know what it is, then let me know that you're about to get us screwed over by the CEO."

"It's not like I did on purpose," Kev said, letting the fact that a mid level Nco had just struck an officer go. If there was one thing he had learned about Ros, it was that her temper and attitude came with the fact that she was an exceptionally talented engineer. He had also learned to get along with it, except when it was entirely directed at him.

Any remark that Ros had for Walker was cut short when Vaughn suddenly stormed back into the room. "You two, with me. You're going to explain to the XO why she had no hot water." without waiting for a reply the CEO turned and stormed off again, this time with Walker and Ros tagging along behind him.

Innovindil was starting to get hungry when the door chime to her office rang out. Glancing up from the Padd she was reading, she ordered the door to open. Much to her surprise, her daughter Elanawen stepped through with a pair of steaming serving dishes. Frowning, Innovindil set the Padd down and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I thought you might be getting hungry, and since you never sent me a response about dinner, I thought I'd be the dutiful daughter and be nice enough to bring you something to eat," Elanawen said as she held up the serving dishes. "I hope you like stir fry."

"Thank you," Innovindil said as she cleared a space on her desk. "I'm sorry I didn't send you a reply, I've …"

"Been busy, I know," Elanawen interrupted as she set the trays down and pulled a chair up to the desk. "By the way, the hot water system isn't working. I called Engineering and informed them, but I didn't know what else to do."

"That's all that is required," Innovindil said as she took the cover off of her lunch. The smell of hot stir fried meat, vegetables, and noodles filled the room and her stomach growled angrily. Even though it had come out of the replicator, Innovindil could tell that Elanawen had played around with the settings until the food had been just right. Picking up the fork that had been set beside the plate, Innovindil started to take a bite when the door chime rang out again.

To be continued . . .

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Chief of Security and Tactical
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour

Ensign Kev Walker
Engineering Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour

Petty Officer First Class Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist
U.S.S. Endeavour


Lieutenant Commander Mark Vaughn
Chief Engineer

Elanawen Valenar


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