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Posted on Sat Apr 22nd, 2017 @ 5:55am by Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Élan Val & Lieutenant Isha t'Veralan & Ensign Sarleya D'Nal'khiy & Bioraptors
Edited on on Sat Apr 22nd, 2017 @ 5:56am

1,079 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Kingdom of Shadows

--- Previously ---

As she finished, Isabella sighed and took a deep breath, releasing it as she felt as if she would collapse. The anabolic protoplaser wouldn’t do anything about healing scars, but the wounds would at least be closed. She knew that there wouldn’t be any additional pieces of metal in Niatra from the shrapnel, so Niatra would be fine as long as she didn’t get an infection. Sitting up, she nodded towards the science officers. “Thank you for your assistance. Lieutenant Niatra should be fine, we’ll just have to keep an eye on her until she recovers,” she said.

“I’d like to volunteer to keep an eye on her,” Sarleya offered.

“We’ll take turns, but thank you. If you don’t mind, you can have first watch,” Isabella said as she returned the tools she had used for the operation back to their places. Turning her attention towards Ensign Connor, she sighed. “Zoe, take a break for now. You’ve done enough. Lieutenant Val, check on the camp site and make sure everything is set up.”

Standing, Isabella started walking towards where Ensign Connor was sitting.

--- Continuation ---

"Ensign Connor, take a walk with me," Isabella said as she walked past where the security officer was sitting. Grim faced, she checked the power settings on her personal hand phaser before she made a quick stop to grab a canteen of water. Without bothering to look back to see if Connor was following her or not, the short, lithe Italian woman walked smoothly out of the cave, passing Lieutenant Isha t'Veralan who was still on watch at the cave entrance.

"Lieutenant, Mister Connor and I are going to take a walk and see if we can find anything of interest. Lieutenant Val is in charge until I return," Isabella said.

"Understood. We'll be here if you need us," Isha said with a stiff, Romulan style nod. She ignored the security officer completely; clearly not happy with how he had been acting as of late.

Matt raised his eyebrows at the tone of the first officer but he said nothing and obeyed, standing and following the tiny officer out of the cave. He overheard the exchange between her and the science officer, but didn't pay much attention, instead his eyes went to scanning the horizon of the dead planet they were stranded on.

Fe'cia managed to sit up and watch the executive officer leave along with the pathetic excuse for a security officer. She hated to admit the fact that she disliked Connor, but he had been acting a damned fool and for nothing other than perhaps his damnable pride. "Hey, I'd like some water before I end up shedding my entire coat due to this heat," the Caitian said.

Sarleya nodded and gently pressed a canteen to Niatra's lips, carefully helping the injured science officer drink a little. "How do you feel?" she asked.

"Like I just had a piece of metal yanked out of my side," Fe'cia said with a slightly sarcastic smile. She winced as a sharp jab of pain shot through her side. "It would help if we had a full surgical kit."

"I know, unfortunately we don't. Try to get some rest," Sarleya said as she settled in beside Niatra.

"Well, do you think the XO is going to ream Connor's ass?" Zoe asked as she sat down next to the two science officers. She felt slightly out of place, being the only person present who wasn't an officer.

"Technically, we don't need to discuss it, not even behind their backs," Élan said as she too sat down and leaned back against a rock in an attempt to relax a little. "But I'm sure she's going to say a few words.

Outside, Isabella opened her tricorder and took a reading, scanning to the full extent of the devices range and capabilities. There was something on the very edge of the device's range that looked like it might be worth looking in to. "Mister Connor, I want you to know that when we return to the ship, I will be filing a full report that will include my observations of your behavior and actions during this mission," Isabella said as they started walking.

"I don't have any excuses or reasons to give, but I'm not making a formal apology either," Matt said roughly. "It's my belief that the crewman stranded us here and I'm not going to with hold my opinion just for the sake of being polite."

"You're an officer, you're supposed to set an example and inspire others to act accordingly," Isabella said.

"What's the point? We're all going to die on this fucking rock anyway," Matt said.

Isabella almost paused mid step but fortunately she managed to hide her shock and surprise, along with her absolute disgust, at the ensign's attitude, not to mention his words. Instead, she shook her head and continued along, silently thinking over the problem at hand.

--- Elsewhere ---

In a cool, dark cavern not far from both the Nighthawk's final resting place and the cave where the Starfleet crew had taken shelter, something stirred. Something moved through the shadows of the cavern, its steps causing the others it walked among to openly protest its passing. Clicking its aggravation at the snapping, the creature reached its target, a larger of its kind that had stirred as well from the long hibernation.

Something has arrived. A noise, a smell, has reached us the smaller creature communicated.

We have sensed this as well. The time to end our great slumber has not yet reached us, however we must protect the Nests. The light outside will soon fade for a time. When this happens, you must take your brood and scout the area. Find out if the ones that trespass into our territory are a threat to the Nests. I must communicate this activity to the closest Nest. You have one cycle of the Brightness to find out, then return and enlighten us to the threat, if one exists the larger creature commanded.

The smaller creature bowed its armored head. I obey the will of the Nests, and the command of the Eldest of Watchers it said before turning and hurrying away. It was quick to awaken two of its brood mates and hurry to the nearest tunnel that led up to the surface.

To be continued...


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