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Once More to the Stars

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2017 @ 7:30pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon

853 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Transitions

Alistar stood on the bridge of the Endeavour with his hands held behind his back at parade rest and stared at the view screen. The display was set to the normal forward view, which was filled with the view of the docking bay slip that the ship was currently nestled in. Around him, the bridge bustled with noise and energy as the crew set about their tasks of readying the ship for departure. Glancing over at the bridge chrono, Alistar noticed the time and hoped that everything was ready. "All hands, prepare for departure," he said before he sat down in his seat. "Status report."

"Power systems are online and holding steady at normal levels, warp drive and impulse are ready to be engaged at your command," Jera reported from the bridge engineering station. She would normally prefer to be in engineering, but Walker had everything under control there and for an event such as a relaunch, she knew that she needed to be on the bridge.

"Power distribution systems are online and functioning at nominal levels. All support subsystems are online, all sensors are online and standing by for operation," T'lon reported from operations.

"All tactical systems are online and standing by for your command. Sensors show that outgoing traffic has been rerouted pending our departure," Akira added her report on time and without cue, satisfied that everything within her departments were ready for action.

"Helm is ready for your command," the helm officer on duty reported. "Flight ops has cleared us for departure at one quarter thruster power for twenty minutes until we're clear of the station proper."

"Helm, set speed at one eighth impulse, full reverse for twenty seconds, then bring us around to a heading of one zero seven by two one eight and engage at one quarter impulse until we're clear of the traffic lanes," Alistar ordered.

The helm officer froze and half turned towards his commanding officer. "Sir, uh, I..."

"You have your orders, Ensign," Alistar said.

T'lon raised an eyebrow, mostly because he was unsure if the helm officer would actually continue to try to quote regulations or bring up the flight controllers orders to the Endeavour. Knowing the captain as he did, T'lon speculated that if the helm officer continued to try to protest, the captain would most likely order his replacement or issue a direct order. Either way, it was sure to be interesting.

Akira made a show of appearing to be busy and not appearing to be paying the interaction between the captain the helm officer too much attention. She had expected the officer to protest the captain's order; like a lot of commanding officers Captain McKeon liked to get his ship away from the stations and out into space as quickly as possible. He wasn't exactly a rogue or a maverick from what she had seen since being assigned to the Endeavour, but she knew that he didn't like to have his orders questioned often.

"Just do it and don't get yourself in any trouble," Jera whispered, mostly to herself since she was too far away from the helm officer for him to hear without everyone else being able to hear as well. She noticed a small power drop in one of the secondary ODN lines and typed in a command, bringing up the schematics and watching it for a moment before she decided that it was due to a subsystem powering down. Nothing major to be worried about.

The helm officer finally decided that it would be best not to continue questioning his new CO and turned back towards the helm console. "One eighth impulse power in full reverse for twenty seconds with a course adjustment to one zero seven by two one eight at one quarter impulse, aye, sir," the ensign said.

The Endeavour backed out of the docking slip that had been her home for the past several months and glided quickly and easily back out into the blackness of space once more. The smooth clean lines of the ship and the quick graceful manner doubled by the sharp precise speed at which she was maneuvered brought the attention of almost everyone who could see her towards her as the restored Intrepid class ship backed away from the station at what was clearly too fast of a speed before breaking away and veering off towards the unknown of deep space and shooting forward at impulse. Maneuvering sharply through the other ships, the Endeavour reached the warp threshold around the starbase and paused just briefly before her warp pylons adjusted and the ship leapt to warp.

On the bridge, Alistar couldn't help but grin. His ship was at warp speed and among the stars once more. "Helm, set course for the Gamma Hydrae system, warp seven," he ordered.

"Aye sir, course set for the Gamma Hydrae system at warp seven. ETA is twenty two days, seven hours," the helm officer reported.

"Very well, maintain course and speed," Alistar ordered as he leaned back in his seat and watched the stars streak by as the Endeavour warped towards her next destination.


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