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Getting Back on Track

Posted on Fri Jul 28th, 2017 @ 9:11pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan
Edited on on Fri Jul 28th, 2017 @ 9:12pm

1,201 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Transitions

Alistar opened his eyes and instantly regretted it. The sickbay lights assaulted his eyes just as the smell of medical disinfect assaulted his nose. Groaning, he rubbed his eyes with a hand and sat up, vaguely aware of the fact that he wasn’t in his quarters, or dressed in his uniform. Keeping a mind to keep the scratchy sickbay blanket close at hand, Alistar carefully opened his eyes and looked around.

Abi was sitting in her office filling out medical reports when she heard a noise from the main room. Glancing up, she looked through the window that separated her office from the rest of sickbay and noticed that the captain was not only awake but he was sitting up. “Oh no!” she muttered to herself as she jumped from her seat and hurried to the main room. “Captain! Try not to move around too much,” she said.

“Abi? What the hell happened?” Alistar managed to ask. His mouth was somewhat dry and his vocal cords felt as if they hadn’t been used in a while.

“You hit your head when the ship went from warp speed to a full stop and you’ve been in a micro coma for several days,” Abi answered as she checked the vital readouts from the bio bed monitors. Satisfied, she tapped her comm badge. “Sickbay to Lieutenant Sato. The Captain is awake.”

Akira was sitting in the command chair on the bridge, not happy with the fact that she was having to do so instead of sitting in her usual chair behind the security and tactical station. At least that seat had been customized to suit her short stature. The captain was one of those long legged specimens of the human race who would never know the struggle of not being able to reach the top shelf. She had thought about using Command Silvisi’s seat, since the executive officer was almost the same height as Akira, but the proper place for the person commanding a star ship was the command seat, and that just happened to be the seat that Akira was sitting in. It was this and many other reasons, mostly the fact that she didn’t want to be in command, which was why Akira practically leapt from the seat when the report from medical came.

“I’m on my way. Have Lieutenant Ros meet me in sickbay,” Akira said to the duty officer as she hurried into the turbo lift.

Chuckling at the sound of happiness in Sato’s voice, Abi grabbed a medical tricorder from the cart beside the bio bed and opened it, taking the captain’s vitals and checking on his condition while they waited. “How do you feel, Sir?” she asked.

“Like someone knocked me in the head with half a star ship,” Alistar said as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed slowly.

“That’s to be expected. There was a hair line fracture to your skull, plus some other minor tissue damage. We repaired it but I wanted you to come around on your own so your body could naturally recover,” Abi said as she closed the tricorder.

“Well, I would like some unnatural assistance in dealing with this damnable headache,” Alistar said.

“I can give you a mild painkiller for the headache,” Abi said as she reached for a hypospray and started flipping through the cartridges on the cart.

Akira made it to sickbay in record time, excited that her tenure as acting captain would soon be ended. Making a bee line through the doors and straight towards the only patient in the room, she smiled. “Captain, am I glad to see that you’re awake,” she said.

“Hey, boss. They want you to head to sickbay. My guess is that the captain’s awake,” the shift duty officer in engineering called out. Jera rolled her eyes but nodded in response as she finished entering a notation in the PADD she was using.

“Alright. Let Walker know that I’m stepping out for a bit,” Jera said before she set the PADD down and headed to sickbay. The trip wasn’t that long, but Jera made a point to add a few extra minutes to the journey simply because she hated sickbay, and she wanted to make sure that Lieutenant Sato arrived first. When she finally did arrive, she made herself walk at a simple steady pace. “Captain, I’m glad you’re up and about,” she said as she walked in.

“You’re not the only one,” Alistar commented. “What’s our sitrep?”

“We’re holding steady at warp four on a direct line course for Science Station D-5, we should arrive in two hours. Lieutenant Ros can better explain what happened with the warp engines,” Akira reported quickly.

“Later,” Alistar said. “Has there been an update from Commander Silvisi’s mission team?”

“Actually, Sir, I’ve been sending a number of requests for a status update on that for over two days. No one has heard from the Nighthawk in almost a week,” Akira replied. “Starbase Typhoon did inform me that they’re trying to loosen up a star ship to dispatch to check in with them, just in case the team ran across a problem.”

“Is there any reason why the Endeavour can’t take over that mission?” Alistar asked.

“No, Sir. We’re running at one hundred percent and are fully operational,” Akira answered quickly.

“Lieutenant Ros, do you agree?”

“I do, Captain,” Jera answered with a confirming nod of her head.

“Very well. Abi, do I have a clean bill of health or do I have to stay here?” Alistar asked, glaring towards his chief medical officer.

“I can release you for light duty today, as long as you promise to come in next week for a final checkup. Once that’s done, I can clear you for full duty,” Abi said as she finally loaded a hypospray and gave the captain a shot of painkillers.

“Yeah, yeah, I promise not to wrestle with a Klingon for the next week,” Alistar said as he slid off of the bed. Silently, he was glad that he was in uniform briefs and not a damned hospital gown. “Lieutenant Ros, put a full engineering report on my desk by 0900 tomorrow. Miss Sato, I’m taking command back. You have the bridge for now. I’m going to go take a shower and get something to eat, then I’ll be up to the bridge.”

‘YESSSSSSS’ Akira thought, taking great care not to say it out loud. “Yes, Sir,” she said. “Should I order a course change to Beta Circini? “

“Yes, and increase speed to something other than snail’s pace,” Alistar said.

“Aye, sir,” Akira said before she started out the door.

Jera offered her captain and friend a smile before she gave him a nod and headed out of sickbay and back towards engineering. She had a rather detailed report to write.

“Alright, Abi, find me something to wear or I’m walking out of here in my underwear,” Alistar said in a mock threatening tone as he started to search for something to wear.


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