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Reunion, Part I

Posted on Sat Aug 19th, 2017 @ 6:15pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val & Lieutenant Isha t'Veralan & Ensign Sarleya D'Nal'khiy
Edited on on Sat Aug 19th, 2017 @ 6:16pm

1,271 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Transitions

-- USS Endeavour --

Alistar took the time to wait and let the turbo lift doors open completely before walking out onto the bridge. He still felt a little weak and sore, but otherwise he was good enough to at least sit on the bridge and start catching up on everything. Heading down to his command chair, he nodded towards Lieutenant Sato who looked all the more happy that he was about to end her time in the seat. "Get outta my chair, Lieutenant," Alistar said with a mock growl.

"Gladly, Sir," Akira said with a deep sigh of relief that felt like a breath of fresh air to her as she stood and stepped away from the dreaded command chair. "We're en route to Beta Circini at warp five. All systems seem to be operating at one hundred percent. Engineering reports that all repairs are holding like new."

"Excellent," Alistar said as he sat down. It felt like he was meeting an old friend for the first time in a long time. "Anything on sensors, Mister T'lon?"

Sitting at operations, T'lon had been content to quietly sit there and mind his station for the past several days. It had been an uneventful past several days, and that was satisfactory for the Vulcan. In fact, he had even been grateful. Now that the captain was back, T'lon was certain that something would soon happen. The Endeavour had a habit of attracting dangerous events, and the chance for that happening increased if the captain was about. "There is nothing on long range sensors at this time, Captain," the Vulcan reported after making a careful check of his readouts.

"Very well, proceed on course at current speed," Alistar reported.

-- Away Team --

The shuttle felt somewhat cramped, and although Isabella knew that it was simply the fact that the medium sized shuttle was full of dirty, tired officers who really just wanted a safe place to take a bath and grab some sleep. At least they could sleep if their brains would let them. They had been in the shuttle and en route for several hours, and Isabella had managed to grab a short nap in that time. She had ordered everyone to ration their supplies in order to stretch out how long the meager food and drink supplies would last. It wouldn't hurt too much, since they were no longer burning the calories by running for their lives.

Readjusting her position in the co-pilot seat, Isabella tried to get comfortable and sighed softly. The older shuttles hadn't been designed for long term comfort levels in mind, and it showed. The uncomfortable seats did their job in keeping everyone awake, which wasn't very high on her list of achievements made by Starfleet at the moment.

Zoe finished wiring the communications systems up and pushed herself out from under the console. Sitting up on the floor, the spunky crewman smiled. "All done, we should have short and medium range communications as soon as we initiate a restart of all onboard flight systems," she said.

Matt looked up from cleaning his phaser rifle and frowned. "Won't that affect the onboard systems like life support?" he asked roughly.

Élan had been content to sit near the back of the shuttle's passenger compartment and be as still as possible, but the sudden ire caused by the security officer roused her from her rest and she lifted her head from the pillow she had made from her uniform jacket. "Actually, we should be able to take flight systems offline and restart them without the life support systems being affected. If nothing else, she should be able to over-ride the system and set the computer to leave life support online while everything else goes down for the restart," the Trill said.

"I don't like it," Matt said. "There's no guarantee that the system will come back online. We're lucky the shuttle systems started up at all."

"I'm not disagreeing with you on that, and it's certainly a risk, but it may be a risk that we'll have to consider taking," Isabella said.

"No offense commander, but is anyone here trained in operations or engineering? If not, then I don't think we should be messing with systems that are outside our area of knowledge," Matt continued to protest, driving his point home.

"Actually, I've had some basic cross training in ops," Zoe said, which was true. Helmsmen were actually cross trained in basic operations and science as part of their training, since both departments crossed over onto the helm department.

"Oh, that's just terrific," Matt snarled. "First you crashed us into that hell hole of a planet, now you want to kill us all in an antique shuttle in deep space. Why don't you just open the damned hatch and get it over with!"

"Ensign, there's no need to get rude. I think the crewman did the best she could and is still doing an amazing job, despite the obstacles and your attitude," Fe'cia said, rousing from her rest. The Caitian had been curled up in a corner, still recovering from her injuries, but the security officer was starting to annoy her. "I think the best thing you can do is kindly shut your mouth and let them do their job."

"I have to agree," Sarleya added. The Orion science officer had been quietly sitting beside Lieutenant Niatra, keeping an eye on the wounded Caitian and trying to stay out of the way. But this idiot security officer was seriously starting to annoy her.

"I don't take orders from science department geeks," Matt snapped.

"No, but you do take orders from superior officers, and you do take orders from me," Isabella said, feeling anger rush through her to the point that she was starting to shake. "And I'm ordering you to shut up, sit down, and keep out of the way."

"And if I refuse?" Matt asked dangerously.

"Oh, I wouldn't make that threat if I were you," Isha said quietly from her seat. The Romulan science officer, like her companions, had clearly had enough of the security officer's attitude. "If I were you, I'd sit down and shut up right now."

Zoe had taken the time to shut down and restart the flight control systems. Sometimes, it was just easier to ask forgiveness and that damned security officer Connor was simply getting on her nerves. The flight controls came back online, giving her navigation, helm, and basic communications. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Commander, we have comms."

Isabella turned towards the helmsman with a raised eyebrow, knowing that the only way for Ellija to restore communications was to have taken the flight control systems offline. It had been risky, and in a way, Isabella was glad that the crewman had used her own initiative and taken advantage of the fact that Connor, and everyone else, had been distracted. "Good job, Crewman," she said before turning back towards Connor. "Mister Connor, you will sit down and kindly shut up, or I will find a way to shut you up for the remainder of the time that we're on board this shuttle," the Italian woman said, her accent becoming more pronounced due to her rising anger.

Matt started to argue, but one look at the first officer's expression told him not to press any more. He angrily nodded and sat back down in his seat.

Isabella pinned a dark stare towards Connor for a few moments before she turned away completely and nodded towards Zoe. "Try sending out a distress signal. Maybe someone is close enough to hear us," she suggested.



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