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Reunion, Part II

Posted on Sat Aug 19th, 2017 @ 6:18pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val
Edited on on Sat Aug 19th, 2017 @ 6:19pm

1,246 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Transitions

-- USS Endeavour --

"Captain, long rang communications are detecting a weak communications signal," T'lon reported from operations. "It is very weak, but I believe it may be a Starfleet based signal."

Alistar frowned as he looked up from the PADD he had been reading. Communication signals weren't all that rare since ships and planets communicated with each other all the time. Most used the numerous communications relay stations scattered throughout space, but there were times when comm signals were simply had to be sent without piggy backing onto one of the relay stations, but there was no reason why a Starfleet signal would be in this sector. Endeavour was the only ship in the entire region, and even if the ship wasn't Starfleet, a weak signal usually indicated damage. "Can you pin point the source of the signal?" he asked.

"I believe that if we made a course correction and dropped to a lower warp speed, I would be better able to clarify the information given to me by the sensors," T'lon replied.

Alistar shook his head at T'lon's damnable Vulcan demeanor. "Helm, alter course to intercept the signal, slow to warp two," he ordered.

-- Away Team --

Isabella was keeping her eye on Ensign Connor while she watched Crewman Ellija try several different things with the communications systems. She didn't want to discourage the young woman, but at the same time Isabella's training and experience leaned towards science and medical, not operations and engineering. So, there wasn't much for her to do other than sit quietly to the side and watch.

Zoe absently rubbed the scars that she had received from the Caitian science officer during her surgical operation and worked on the comm systems. She could transmit a basic signal that might get out a decent distance, but for actual communications itself the shuttle's systems were simply too badly corroded. They could send and receive text based burst transmissions, but little or nothing else. It was simple, basic, and it would at least work. Leaning back in her seat, Zoe shrugged. "All we can do now is wait and hope that someone finds us," she said as she yawned.

"You should get some sleep," Isabella suggested, concerned that the only person who knew the most about flying the shuttle would get too exhausted to perform her duty when needed at a critical time.

"I couldn't sleep. There's not enough room to stretch out and I'm pretty sure none of you want to see me naked," Zoe said with a laugh.

"Oh, I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind," Isha said with a playfully dangerous look in her sparkling green eyes. "But let's remain focused on our situation, shall we?"

"Which is currently in a high chance for all of us to end up dead," Matt said softly.

"Oh, Heavens do shut up!" Élan half snapped, although she was still half reclined in her seat with her eyes closed.

Matt glared at the Trill officer for a moment before he turned towards the first officer and then down at the deck. Silently, he wondered if he would even make it to a formal court marshall before he got cashiered out of Starfleet.

-- USS Endeavour --

"Captain, I believe I have identified the source of the signal. It is a shuttle that appears to be heading almost directly towards us at impulse speed," T'lon said. "The craft is at the very edge of effective range of the long range sensors."

"A shuttle out in the middle of nowhere and at impulse?" Alistar said thoughtfully. Finally, he sighed. "Go to silent yellow alert, standby phasers and shields."

"Aye, Captain," Akira said with a grim nod as she entered the commands into her console. "Phasers online, shields standing by."

"Alright, helm take us in closer. As soon as we're in range, hail them," Alistar ordered.

"Confirmed," T'lon replied.

Alistar watched as the Endeavour neared her target, and as soon as there was a visual image to display he ordered it up on the view screen and blinked. "A bloody Type 5? Who the hell still uses THOSE?" he asked.

"Unknown, but there appears to be some damage to the craft and its subsystems," T'lon reported. "I am reading a number of life forms on board. They appear to be human, Trill, and one Caitian."

"Um," Alistar paused thoughtfully. That almost sounded like Silvisi's away mission team. But if so, why in the hell were they on a blasted Type 5? Where was the Nighthawk? Those, and other questions, would have to be answered later. "Hail them, Mister T'lon."

-- Away Team --

Zoe blinked as a transmission lit up on the communications panel. It was text format, but it was a transmission. "Commander, the Endeavour is hailing us," she announced.

Isabella nearly pounced forward in her seat, feeling the team stir behind her as she bent over the communications console panel to read the contents of the transmission. Feeling her spirits rise with the promise of being rescued from their current predicament, she nodded. "Send a reply, and let them know what's happened and what's going on," she ordered.

-- USS Endeavour --

"Captain, we have received a response. The shuttle is manned by Commander dei`Silvisi and the survivors of her away mission team. They would like to inform us that they would be overjoyed to return to the ship," T'lon said as soon as he read the text readout of the transmission from the shuttle.

Alistar hid a smile, knowing that the Vulcan had twisted the message in the typical Vulcan fashion and inherently made it more comical than it was intended. "Well then, let's rescue them," he said. "Helm, intercept course, max speed."

-- Twenty Minutes Later --

Alistar stood in transporter room three, the largest on board the Endeavour, and watched as his first officer and her team materialized on the platform. He raised his eyebrows in surprise at their dirty, torn, and blood covered uniforms and directed his questioning gaze towards Commander Silvisi. Deciding not to press the question at the moment, he took a step forward. "Welcome home, everyone," he said. "I know you guys must have had a rough time out there, so I'm ordering everyone to sickbay for a full medical workup. Once medical has released you, everyone will have a full twenty four hours off duty. Reports can be filed as soon as you're ready."

Isabella was somewhat surprised by the captain's willingness to give his crew time to recover. Most captains would insist on a medical check followed by a few hours before returning to duty. Grateful that her people would be given some time to rest, she gave her team a nod before she stepped down to stand beside the captain.

"Sir, we never made it to Beta Circini. Also, there are a few things I need to speak to you about as soon as possible," she said.

"After you're cleared by medical, and no offense Isabella but also after you've taken a shower, we'll talk," Alistar said with a disarming grin.

"Oh, you know that you never tell a woman that," Isabella said with a half hearted laugh.

"Yeah, well, in this case it's true. Go get checked out by medical and get some rest. That's an order," Alistar said. Placing a comforting hand on his exec's shoulder, he gave her a friendly nod before he headed down the corridor and back towards the bridge.


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