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Medical Examinations

Posted on Thu Aug 24th, 2017 @ 8:49pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Ensign Sarleya D'Nal'khiy & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Élan Val & Lieutenant Isha t'Veralan & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija

1,377 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

Sickbay seemed crowded, but Isabella had to reflect upon the fact that she had never seen this many people in the medical section of the Endeavour before. Between her, her team, and the handful of medical staff, sickbay, which normally seemed quite roomy, seemed small and cramped. She had elected to have her medical examination first, mostly in order to assist the medical staff in getting the rest of the team through the exams as quickly as possible. Most she was sure would pass with no problem, but there were a few who would need close attention. Standing with Abigail, Isabella watched as the chief medical officer finished scanning Crewman Zoe Ellija and hid a pained expression.

"Well, the scars are going to be permanent," Abi said as she finished going over the helmsman. Looking at the sub-dermal scan readings, she shook her head. "If I had been able to get to you as soon as you were injured, it would be no problem, but the scarring has already set in and the only way to get rid of the scars is to undergo surgery."

"I'll pass. Besides, I kind of like them," Zoe said. "They remind me that I'm only mortal."

"Well, other than that, you have some muscle strain and a couple of ligaments that are stressed. I'm glad the captain has insisted that everyone takes a day of rest. Just take it easy, no strenuous activity for a few days," Abi said.

Zoe nodded and gently hopped down from the bio bed. Now that she was cleared, she was going to take a nice long hot shower and get some rest. Giving a few of the others in sickbay a smile, she headed out of sickbay and towards her quarters.

Isabella couldn't help but smile at the helmsman as she left sickbay. Despite everything, the young woman had seemed to have kept her spirits higher than most would have, considering the situation. Turning to the next person, she smiled as Lieutenant Niatra eased forward and climbed onto the bio-bed.

Abi helped the injured Caitian onto the examination table and began her scan, her eyes going wide as she took note of the readings. "Massive internal damage, torn and cut tissue and muscles, signs of internal bleeding, and it looks like a few things tried to replace your internal organs," Abi said.

"I tried to remove as much of the shrapnel as I could, but there may be a few smaller pieces that I missed," Isabella said as she leaned forward and read the scan readings for herself.

"No, it looks like you got them all, Ma'am," Abi said. "But the exertion from running for her life so soon after the surgery has defiantly taken its toll. Full medical leave for at least two weeks."

"But, I need to be on duty," Fe'cia protested, twitching her whiskers in defiance. "As a science officer, I can take on some light duties."

"No. You can accept two weeks medical leave on board the ship, or I can refer you to the nearest Starfleet Medical facility for a full workup," Abigail said sternly.

Fe'cia shut her mouth with a small click and looked at the first officer with a hopeless expression.

"A two week medical leave isn't all that bad," Isabella said helpfully, somewhat surprised by the bite in Abigail's tone. She understood where the medical officer was coming from, and Isabella knew that she definitely would have done something similar if in her position, but Isabella also knew that some precautions were simply over-reaction. "You do need the rest, Miss Niatra," she added quietly.

"Very well," Fe'cia said, clearly unhappy at being taken off active duty for two weeks. She would have nothing to do, and boredom was a Caitian's worse enemy.

"I'm prescribing two daily injections of painkillers and antibiotics for two weeks, and at the end of that time we'll do a full medical workup. I'll make sure that the Captain and Commander know what's going on as well," Abi said as she typed in a note into her PADD.

Fe'cia growled in a low unhappy tone as she slid off of the table and headed out of sickbay, her tail swishing back and forth angrily.

Isabella sighed and ran a hand through her hair. It was tangled and dirty, and she longed for a hot shower, but she wasn't about to turn Abigail completely free on her crew. Next up was Lieutenant Élan Val. Over on the other table, Isabella noticed that Lieutenant Isha Veralan and Ensign Sarleya D'Nal'khiy were both given a complete exam and turned free. She wasn't completely surprised, Orions and Romulans were both physically tough and neither had any reason to be overstrained from the disasters that had occurred during the mission.

"Ok, let's check Val first," Élan said as she hopped up on the bio-bed. "She's been a little cranky since we got back."

"Considering the stress and danger levels that Commander Silvisi informed me about, I'm not surprised," Abi said as she started scanning the science officer's abdomen. A close study of the readings made her nod. "Your symbiont is fine. Slightly high levels of adrenaline and a few other chemicals, but nothing harmful."

"I'm glad to hear it," Élan said.

"Your own readings appear to be the same. I'd recommend a lot of rest for the next twenty four hours," Abi said. "That means doing nothing work related."

"Aye, aye, Doctor," Élan said with a half smile before she slid off of the bio-bed. A full day of not having anything to do but rest sounded delightful, if somewhat inviting for the trouble that Val often was known to get into when bored. It would prove to be interesting, at best.

Isabella smiled towards the Trill science officer and turned to the next officer waiting for a medical examination. Instantly, she felt the smile freeze and her outwardly friendly demeanor stiffened into a cool, professional one that betrayed her personal dislike as Ensign Matt Connor came forward. She knew that as the ship's first officer, she was supposed to provide a neutral appearance, however the events and the ensign's actions and words displayed during the away mission were still too fresh on her mind. She took a small, almost unnoticeable step back in order to provide distance.

Abi noticed the first officer's reaction and she gave the commander a brief sideways glance before she turned her full attention towards Ensign Connor. "Alright, Ensign. We'll just have a quick scan and that should be it. I don't think the debriefing report indicated that you were injured, am I correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Matt said as he avoided looking towards the first officer. He could feel her glare, and he knew that it was justified. He also knew that it was only a matter of time before he would be dragged before the captain and made to answer for his actions, but he had become at peace with it. He would face what came with honor.

Abi gave a quick scan and nodded. "You're fine. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and eat foods that are rich in vitamins and electrolytes, but other than that you're fit to return to duty in twenty four hours."

"Yes, Ma'am," Matt said before he turned to the first officer. "I'd like to return to duty right away, ma'am," he said.

"Negative," Isabella said her voice flat and devoid of any of her normal tone. "The captain's orders stand. All away team members are to remain off duty for twenty four hours after being cleared by medical. In addition, I'm afraid that I have to inform you that you're restricted to quarters until you appear before the captain."

"I understand," Matt said. "I'll head to my quarters then." With that, he turned and started off towards his cabin.

Isabella watched the security officer leave sickbay and only when the doors slid shut did she breathe easier. With a heavy sigh, she turned and nodded her thanks towards Lieutenant Eidan before she headed out of sickbay herself. She needed a hot shower and a few hours of rest before she presented her final report to the captain, and she wasn't looking forward to the meeting.


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