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Officer’s Night Out Part 1

Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2020 @ 3:05pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker

1,239 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores

D 11-Engineering

Kev whistled as he walked into engineering and looked around. He found that he did miss being in the engineering department but at the same time he loved operations. Engineering had plenty to do but it was always the same thing over and over while operations was a daily unknown. There were days were ops had its repetitive routines true enough but those were outnumbered by the daily surprises that he found every day. Seeing the chief engineer Kev walked over and grinned. “Hey there commander. How have the impulse engines been acting since I moved to ops?”

Jera turned and glared towards Walker, knowing that he was teasing her. It had been their thing since they had been assigned to the Endeavour, and even now she found that she had missed their banter since he had shifted departments. “Both impulse engines have been fine, but I really could use a specialist officer if you want to annoy me to the point that I ask the captain for a favor,” she said.

Kev chuckled. “Did you really miss me, Ros, or have you just found no one to replace me and fill the void in that tiny black heart of yours I left?” he laughed.

Jera shook her head and sighed. “You really let that position go to your head, didn’t you?” she said. “So what are you up to? I know you didn’t get nostalgic or come down to lord your new position over the rest of us basement rats.”

“Well, if you want to know, I was hoping you could join me in a little outing to the planet,” Kev replied. “You know shipmate stuff. Go down to the new planet, poke around at the local stuff, get off the blasted ship and enjoy ourselves without having to worry about something on the ship blowing up.”

“Don’t jinx this ship,” Jera snapped. “We’ve just completed a full overhaul of every system and the entire ship and it’s been working fine for the past several weeks without any problems.”

“Hey, I’m the chief ops,” Kev said. “If things start breaking on this ship I have to deal with it as well.”

“True,” Jera said. “But you’re right. I need to get off the ship and unwind a little. What did you have in mind?”

“Well I didn’t really get past the whole beam down and check things out part. I don’t know anything about the planet other than it’s a remote Federation colony,” Kev admitted.

“Well, I guess I can spare a few hours,” Jera said. “But you’re buying the drinks.”

“Deal,” Kev said with a grin. “Transporter room two in ten minutes. If you’re late then you’re buying.” Giving Ros a grin he turned and started out of engineering.

D 4-TR 2

Kev walked into the transporter room early. He had checked in on the bridge to make sure ops was covered for the next several hours before he took off for a few hours of shore leave. Like most everyone else on the ship he hadn’t been able to enjoy any downtime in a while and he was looking forward to doing just that. Looking at the time, he grinned and waited. It was starting to look like Ros would be paying for those drinks after all.

Akira stepped into transporter room two wearing a silk blouse and a pair of loose pants. For foot wear she had chosen a pair of sandals and for once she had let her hair down, brushed it out, and left it that way. She had a hair band around her wrist in case she wanted to pull her hair back at a later time, which would most likely be possible since the planet seemed to have a mostly tropical type climate. Stepping into the transporter room, Akira glanced up and noticed the chief operations officer, Lieutenant Walker, standing to the side. She hadn’t taken the time to get to know him, and if he was about to head down to the planet for shore leave she supposed it would be a good idea to at least try to do so. “Good afternoon, Mister Walker. Are you heading down for a few hours shore leave?” she asked.

Kev blinked and turned to see the chief sec/tac officer. He didn’t know much about her or most of the other officers for that matter but what he had seen and heard of her she seemed to be able to take care of herself. She was pretty easy on the eyes as well and looked even better in civvies. He nodded and tried not to look like he was checking her out. “Yes ma’am commander,” he said. “I’m waiting for commander Ros.”

“You finally get a few hours to escape the confines of this ship and you choose to spend it with the one person who torments you endlessly? Talk about someone who enjoys pain and punishment,” Akira teased with a friendly smile. “Or did she blackmail you into going?”

“Well I actually asked her to join me and it’s not like she’s being mean to me all the time,” Kev said. After a moment he shook his head. “Ok maybe she is but that’s not the point. I’ve come to recognize her as a friend and a shipmate and she needs to get out and take a break as well. Besides we’ve come to consider it as a friendly rivalry and there’s no harm in it.”

“Well, as long as you or someone else doesn’t get hurt, I see no problem with it,” Akira said, nodding. “We had several people on my last ship that had a similar rivalry. It was actually fairly entertaining for everyone else, which was a great morale booster from time to time. If you don’t mind, I’d like to tag along.”

“That would be great,” Kev said. He didn’t see a problem with it and it would help three of the ship’s senior officers get to know each other better. It would also help keep them out of trouble as well.

Jera walked into the transporter room with less than a minute left. Seeing Walker over to the side talking to the security chief, she headed over and crossed her arms. “I see you’re setting up your next date already Walker. Cheating before you even take me out isn’t going to make a good impression, I hope you know that,” she said.

“Commander Sato wanted to join us in our outing to the planet, and I agreed,” Kev said. “Besides I also thought it would be cool if I was seen with two attractive women instead of one and maybe it would keep me from getting into trouble.”

“It’s a scientific and farming colony, how much trouble can someone get in to?” Akira asked.

“Famous last words from someone assigned to this ship,” Kev muttered as he walked over to the transporter pad. “Can we go now?”

“Fresh air, warm planetary atmosphere, and an all night bar with a grill. And I’ll buy dinner,” Jera said as she joined him.

Akira chuckled softly as she stepped onto the transporter pad. "Energize," she said towards the specialist at the controls.

To be continued.


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