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Officer’s Night Out Part 2

Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2020 @ 3:06pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores

Planet surface, hours later

Jera had to admit that she had needed some time away from the ship as she relaxed in her chair. With Walker and Sato with her, they had found a bar and grill and settled in for an evening of conversation and relaxation. Night had fallen and Jera had finished her dinner and was nursing a glass of some form of greenish blue synthahol. “You know, Walker, this was a good idea,” she finally said.

“Thanks,” Kev said as he leaned back with a nice glass of whiskey. The cool night time temperature felt nice and the open air bar and grill had been a great choice as well. “And thanks for dinner. I guess that makes up for how you treated me when I was in engineering.”

“Well, if you want to say that we’re even I’m not going to argue,” Kev said as he finished his drink. “I’m going to get one more drink and call it a night.”

“Get a large glass of ice water as well, it’ll help with the hangover,” Jera said as Walker stood.

Akira had ordered a bottle of sake along with her dinner and was still slowing nursing the bottle in hopes that it would last at least a few hours. Like everything else, it was replicated and technically synthetic alcohol, which meant that she would avoid the drunkenness and hangover that consuming liquor normally caused. As Walker moved over to the bar, Akira leaned closer to Ros and gave the engineering officer a slightly confused look. “You know that he’s drinking replicated whisky. It’s not going to give him a hangover,” she said.

Jera grinned as she finished her drink. “I know, but he didn’t catch on and I’m going to have fun passing that on to the engineers he used to work with tomorrow, just because I’m still a little bit of an evil minded person.”

Akira chuckled and leaned back in her chair. She was about to take another drink when movement caught her attention. Glancing up, she frowned at the three civilian males who had stopped by their table.

“Hey ladies, you two want to have a good time for the rest of the night?” one of the human men asked as he clearly stared at the two seated women. He leaned across the table towards Sato and grinned. “I bet you’re both from that new ship that I heard arrived today.”

“Yes, we’re both from the Endeavour,” Akira said as she gave the guy a disgusted expression that simply stated “go away” along with a cold tone. “And we’re not interested in spending any time with any of you, so please go away and bother someone else.”

“And what about you? You up for some fun?” the guy asked as he turned towards Ros.

“If I was up for any fun, it certainly wouldn’t be with a devolved Neanderthal like you,” Jera shot off.

“Oh, so you’re all high and mighty since you’re Starfleet, is that it? Well, we don’t like stuck up broads like you taking up space in our bar then, so why don’t you two just get up and get out then?” the guy sneered.

“Hey guys are we making new friends?” Kev asked as he finally returned from the bar.

“Piss off, space boy. And take your two tramps with you,” the guy who had been speaking said towards Walker as he stood up and pressed towards Walker.

“Look man we’re just here to get a few drinks and unwind so if you’re here to ruin someone’s night I’m going to have to ask that you go somewhere else,” Kev said as he tried to squeeze by the guy and set his two glasses down.

The lead guy sneered and hit Walker’s arm and pushed his shoulder, making him spill his drinks. “Looks like you’re done with your drinks, friend, so why don’t you just collect your harlots and shove off.”

“Hey that was uncalled for,” Kev said as he shook the spilled liquid off of his hand. “And we really don’t want trouble man.”

“Well, what are you going to do about it then?” the guy asked as he shoved Walked again. “You know what, I think I’m done talking.” With that, he hauled back and punched Walked hard in the face, dropping the surprised officer with a hard solid hit.

Jera was out of her chair in seconds as she grabbed the guy that had assaulted Walker by the arm and swung her free hand upwards, landing a hit and broke the guy’s arm at the elbow. Instead of stopping there, she curled her fingers and hit the guy hard in the face, putting the full force of her strength behind the swing and shattering the man’s jawbone in a single hit. A second hit to the man’s side broke at least two ribs and she finally struck out with her foot and kicked hard at his knee, hearing a sickening crack as it gave way.

Akira grabbed the sake bottle and was on her feet instantly as Walker hit the floor. As Ros attacked the instigator that had struck Walker, Akira charged around the table and towards the other two males who turned towards the angry looking Japanese woman. Between the two of them they thought that they had the advantage, but she quickly took that by charging past them and swinging the sake bottle against the skull of one, shattering the bottle and dropping the guy. Turning towards the other guy, she dropped into a Gosoku Ryu defensive stance. Pausing only for a brief moment, Akira lashed out with her foot and swept his feet out from under him. Before she could do anything else, the whine of a hand phaser blast caught her attention and she looked up.

“Alright, that’s enough!” the lead security officer shouted as the on duty security guards hurried into the bar and grill. They quickly moved to subdue and arrest everyone who even remotely looked like they had been involved in the fight. The lead guard ordered everyone involved to be jailed in the security complex, making sure to order that the civilians and Starfleet personnel were separated. He sighed as the last of the people involved were hauled out of the restaurant, since he now had to wake people up or at least disturb their evenings.

LtCmdr Jera'turak Ros
Chief Engineering Officer

Lt Kev Walker

Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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