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An Evening Aboard Endeavour, Part II

Posted on Sat Feb 17th, 2024 @ 12:56pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jason McBain & Ensign Zara Ross & Grace Winters PhD

1,027 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Return
Location: Port Side Dining Lounge, Deck Eight

"There are times I considering making you the blasted captain and I take a voluntary reduction in rank just to get out of dealing with headaches such as this," Alistar growled. "And I know." He shook his head and leaned back in his chair. "And you're right. We need something else to discuss to put a lighter mood on the evening."

Isabella kept quiet for a brief moment, taking advantage of the waiter returning with a refill in order to let her mind process how to proceed. She wanted to avoid discussing anything related to ship board duty, although that seemed as if it couldn't be avoided in some small manner. The threat of McKeon letting her take command of the Endeavour was something she wondered if he was serious about, even though she wouldn't have willingly accepted it. There would have to be a great deal of thought behind that entire situation. Isabella finally shook her head as if to clear her mind and returned her attention to present matters.

"I did mean to ask if you managed to enjoy any of your time on Earth," she finally said, directing the conversation away from duty related matters.

"I spent most of my time at Starfleet Command, but I did get away for a weekend or two to Montana," Alistar answered. "Not like I got to do anything because even then I still had Starfleet contacting me every hour like a plague."

"The burdens of being a star-ship's commanding officer are very demanding, then," Isabella said with a smile. "Is that a warning towards me for wanting my own command one day or a complaint from a certain captain?"

"I'm really not sure how to answer that honestly," Alistar admitted. "But, maybe all of the above if I have to pick an answer."

Isabella nodded and took the time to glance about the dining lounge. There were a few officers and civilians present that she knew, but most were unknown to her. She wasn't surprised, since the Endeavour boasted a crew of nearly eight hundred officers and almost one hundred civilians. There had been just over one hundred crew that had survived the previous Endeavour's destruction, and not all of them had been assigned to the new ship. Turning her gaze back to the table, she noticed that her glass was empty and their waiter was busy. Deciding to get it herself, Isabella excused herself, stood and headed towards the bar.

Zara had finished her salad and was sitting at the bar absent mindlessly staring out the view port when she caught sight of the first officer walking over to the bar. Offering a nod of her head, she greeted the commander. "Ma'am, I hope you're having a good evening," Zara said.

Isabella offered a smile towards Ensign Ross, the new science officer. "So far it's been enjoyable enough, Zara," she said. "I certainly hope that you're enjoying yourself as well."

"I'm certainly trying to, Ma'am," Zara replied, and in fact she had to admit that she was just starting to relax just a little.

"Sometimes, that is all we can do is to try and hope for the best," Isabella said as she exchanged her empty glass for a full one. At the present rate the evening's conversations were going, she had estimated that she would eventually need an entire bottle of wine. Turning towards Ensign Ross, she smiled.

"I truly hope the rest of your evening is pleasant," Isabella said before she headed away from the bar.

McBain had to get food; he had been studying the schmatics over and over trying to find some minute point he could use to urge just that percentage of performance from his duty station.

In slacks a nice shirt and a Blazer he felt dressed up enough to be seen in public. The dining Room is not a place he frequented so it would be a teat to eat somewhere else, maybe even meet people? Though that did seem unlikely at the moment. Seeing the lights of another room is a change enough at the moment.

Standing at the doorway scanning for a place to sit McBain pondered the loose calculation he had last read to keep him mind occupied.

Grace noticed the engineer enter the room. As she had yet to meet him, she walked over. "Hello. I'm Grace Winters, ship's counselor."

Noting the lady he gave a slight bow as gentlemen do.

"Jason McBain, humble Engineer at your service." He smiled. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise. How long have you been on the ship?" she asked.

"Long enough to appreciate this lovely lady." He smiled. "But she has her secrets." Laughing a bit. "I am a newly recruit to the crew, still trying to make friends thing."

Grace smiled. "Most of the crew is new, so you shouldn't have trouble making friends."

"Would you like to dine with a potential friend Ms. Winters, I can assure you I am a gentleman through and through?"

"I have no problem with making friends," she assured him. She also knew how to deal with anyone who chose not to be a gentleman--although she didn't think she'd have to worry about anyone currently on the Endeavour.

Alistar was considering ordering another beer and some food when his commbadge beeped. "Bridge to Captain McKeon, you have an incoming transmission from Starfleet Command."

Alistar growled and nodded. "I'll take it in my ready room," he said as he stood. Glancing towards DeiSilvisi, he sighed. "I'll be back," he said. "I hope I will, anyway," he added before he headed out of the lounge.

Isabella suppressed a sigh as she instead raised her eyebrows and felt a hint of a smile tug at her lips as she nodded and watched the captain leave. His departure left her alone at the table, and she suddenly felt like calling it a night, however she still had a full glass of wine and still hadn't eaten. She felt that she should at least try the public food replicators on board the Endeavour. Frowning, she leaned back in her seat and thought about what to order.


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