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Once More to the Stars

Posted on Wed Nov 13th, 2019 @ 10:40pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Grace Winters PhD

1,050 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition

Alistar walked out onto the bridge and stopped one step onto the bridge. Listening to the hum of the ship at full power and the low voices of the bridge crew, he smiled. For once, the Endeavour was at full strength with a full crew compliment and not facing a mission that would threaten the ship with destruction. The moment passed, he continued on to the command center of the bridge. "Commander, make ready for departure," he ordered as he sat down.

Isabella had been sitting in her seat on the bridge, reading reports and waiting in general for the captain to give the order to depart. She was pleased with the current status of the Endeavour; for the first time in a long time the ship was fully staffed and in optimal operational condition. She, like many of the crew, was ready to get underway. The ship's new home port, a Federation science colony known as Inti, held promise as far as exploration prospects, and she couldn't wait to be underway and exploring once more. The captain's order to begin the departure process broke through her thoughts, and Isabella looked up and nodded towards McKeon. Standing, she took a small step forward and to the side before she spoke. "Helm, bring thrusters and impulse engines online and prepare to break orbit. All departments, report departure readiness status," she said.

"Power readings are all within acceptable and normal operational parameters across the board. Sensors are online and reading normally. Scans of the immediate and surround area detects nothing out of the ordinary," Kev reported from the operations console.

Grace found a place near the back where she could stand and watch. She didn't want to be in the way, but she wanted to see the departure.

Zoe sat at the helm and ran through the various controls while checking the multiple readouts. Satisfied, she continued running through predeparture systems checks as she reported. "All engines and navigational systems are operating at normal operational status. Impulse and warp ready on your command," she said.

Akira checked the readouts that scrolled across the display screens on her console and nodded silently. Everything looked good, at least from a tactical and security point of view. Looking up, she nodded towards the executive officer. "Tactical systems online. Deflector screens and shields available on command," she reported.

Isabella turned her head and noticed the new diplomatic officer, Miss Winters, standing at the back of the bridge. With a small nod of her head towards McKeon, she walked around the railing and towards the civilian. "Hello, Miss Winters. I hope you've been able to settle in on the Endeavour in the short time you've been aboard. I'm afraid our track record isn't all that great once we're underway, since this ship seems to attract trouble," she said.

Grace smiled. "I'm getting settled, thank you. As for trouble, we'll see how things go. Hopefully, if that happens, I'll be able to be of some assistance."

"Indeed," Isabella said in agreement. "I'm afraid I must admit that I haven't had time to look up anything about our destination. Do you know anything about this Inti Colony?"

"Actually, I do," Grace replied. "I haven't been there yet, but I've read a good deal about it, and the neighboring planet."

"Really? Well, then we'll definitely have to sit down and talk about it sometime," Isabella said.

"I look forward to it." Grace smiled.

"As do I, Miss Winters," Isabella said as she returned the smile. "If you wish, we have a spare seat unless you insist on standing."

"As long as no one will be using it, I'd appreciate a seat," Grace said. "Thank you."

"I assure you that no one is using it," Isabella said with a smile. As Miss Winters headed towards the guest seat, Isabella made her usual check of the bridge stations. Once she was finished with her round, she returned to her seat.

"Captain, I believe that we're ready," she said quietly to Captain McKeon as she took her seat beside the command chair and leaned back.

Alistar nodded but kept his eyes glued to the command monitor and she ship wide systems reports that scrolled across the screen. Sensing movement, he glanced up from reading through the ship wide status reports as they came in and gave the diplomatic a curious expression but he quickly recovered and nodded. "Ms Winters, glad you could join us," he said.

"Thank you, Captain McKeon," Grace said, nodding to him as she took her her seat.

"Anytime," Alistar said as he turned his attention back to the command screen. The final reports came in and Alistar nodded at the status of his command. The Endeavour was as ready for the unknown as she was ever going to be. "Helm, break orbit, full impulse. Bring us to a heading towards this Inti Colony, warp 9 and engage when ready," he ordered.

Kev remained standing at his station as the ship eased out of orbit. On his main console he had a readout of the sensors. The ship had been through too much for him to not pay close attention to everything. He wasn't going to take chances when it came to the possibility of the ship running into something new or strange.

Akira tensed a little, more out of habit than anything. She checked her console and made sure that the tactical systems were on standby and could be activated at a moment's notice. It was never a bad thing to be prepared, specially when your ship attracted all sorts of attention.

Zoe nodded and ran her hands across the helm controls. The Endeavour gracefully banked away from the planet she had orbited for the past few weeks. As the ship increased speed she rotated and aligned with her destination as she raced for the edge of the planetary gravity well. Once clear, Zoe double checked the navigational settings and ship's position before she engaged the warp drive. The Endeavour jumped to warp speed, now on her way to Inti Colony.

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer

Grace Winters, Ph.D.
Chief Diplomat/Counselor

Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer

Petty Officer 3rd Class Zoe Ellija

Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lt Kev Walker
Chief ops officer


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