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Discussions for Shore Leave Assistance

Posted on Tue Jan 9th, 2018 @ 12:40pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan
Edited on on Tue Jan 9th, 2018 @ 12:41pm

1,171 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

The clean and crisp air of the Endeavour actually felt good after being on D5 for a few short hours. It was a small difference, but Alistar could tell easily enough. There was also the fact that the Endeavour was his home, and there was nothing that could beat the feel of coming home after being somewhere different. Despite the promise of shore leave, there wasn’t a crowd gathered around the air lock when he returned to the ship. There was a full detail of five security guards who looked like they might twist anyone who tried to cross them into pretzels, which made sense if one considered their boss. Alistar waved as he passed them, knowing that Sato had picked them for the fact that they were your typical scary looking security guards who didn’t look like they took anything from any one.

Having called for a senior officer meeting as soon as he had left Director Harding’s office, Alistar headed straight for the briefing room and wasn’t surprised to find everyone already there. “Thank you for coming everyone,” he said as he entered. Walking to the head of the table and sitting down in his chair, he leaned back and braced for the eventual argument that might be coming. “Shore leave will be granted to off duty personnel who aren’t on probation, but I need a list of on duty personnel who can go on station and take care of a few requests from our hosts.”

“What kind of requests did they make?” Isabella asked immediately, her interest was veiled with caution and rightly so. It wasn’t unheard of for a few requests to be made of visiting ships by out of the way small ports that couldn’t take care of every small detail that a star ship could handle without problem. Sometimes, though, the requests were simply too much or too far out there to make any sense.

“Nothing major,” Alistar answered. “The director requested that our engineering and operations personnel take a look at their systems and ensure that everything is in as good working order as it can be. She also requested that security give her own security force a good working over. We might as well take a look at their tactical systems as well, while we’re just checking in on everything.”

“What in the hell are my people supposed to be doing, taking inventory and handing out new rule-books?” Akira asked, slightly bristling at the thought of having to take time out to babysit a civilian operation.

“Check their armory stores and defensive systems, maybe give their security personnel a few tips and pointers,” Alistar said. He could tell that Akira wasn’t happy, and he could understand. It wasn’t Starfleet’s job to babysit civilian operations unless there was a dire reason. At the moment, D5 wasn’t exactly in a problem zone, which meant their priority was actually pretty low.

“I’ll get on that as soon as possible, then,” Akira said, clearly unhappy. Mentally, she made a note of who to bring to the station when she went over. There were a few choice officers and ratings who would enjoy the chance to terrorize the civilians for a while.

“Very well. Jera, T’lon, I need you two to check the station’s support systems. I’m pretty sure that we don’t have any spare parts that they can use, but I’d like to give their systems a full run through and see what we can do there,” Alistar said.

“Their primary power systems are going to be solar recharging fusion reactors, and if I remember correctly the station should have two plus emergency batteries,” Jera said. “It’s been years since I’ve worked on station systems that old, but I think we can manage a systems check.”

“Good. You may want to send Miss Wolfe over as well. She’s a civilian specialist and may have more experience with civilian systems than our personnel,” Alistar suggested.

“I was thinking of her. I’ll send her over as soon as I can get back to engineering,” Jera said.

“T’lon, I’m sure you’ll know what to do with their operations systems. You’ll have the most time consuming job over there, so grab anyone you need to help,” Alistar said.

“Understood,” T’lon said. “I may request that Lieutenant Walker from engineering be available to assist, as there may be some engineering related systems that will require attention in the process of my work.”

“I’ll send him to you as soon as he comes on duty,” Jera said with a nod of agreement.

“Captain, do we want to go ahead and take a look at their medical and scientific equipment as well? I’m sure that Abigail would love the chance to get off of the ship and we actually have a surplus of medical supplies that we really need to find a home for,” Isabella said. “It wouldn’t be too much for us to take a look at their science labs and safety equipment and procedures as well, since we’re already looking at everything else.”

“I have to agree, Captain,” Abi said, speaking up. “We have to storage rooms full of medical supplies that I need to do something with and I’m sure their medical equipment could use a good looking to.”

Alistar nodded, hiding a grin at the fact that everyone was using this as an excuse to grab a few extra hours off ship. “Alright. Élan, the Commander will help you take a look at the science equipment unless you have any objections.”

“I was thinking of sending Isha, but I can change that to myself and the first officer,” Élan said, hiding the fact that she was slightly unhappy at not being able to grab a few extra hours working on her pet science projects. It was a small fact that her projects would be delayed from time to time.

“Alright. Other than the work crews, off duty personnel not on any kind of restrictions will be granted shore leave to the station. Akira, I noticed your goons at the airlock. Go ahead and arm them with phasers set to low stun. There’s no sense why we can’t use the chance to work up our own measures,” Alistar said.

“Yes, Sir,” Akira said with a gleam in her eye. She had been hoping to get away with breaking out some of the Endeavour’s small arms for a while, and while she would make sure that her people used the phasers, she had been itching for the chance to use some of the ship’s additional small arms for a while.

Alistar eyed his chief of security and tactical for a moment, feeling slightly worried but he dismissed it as paranoia. Turning to all of his officers, he nodded. “Alright, let’s get to it, people. Dismissed.”


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