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A Helping Hand

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2018 @ 11:21am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan & Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe & Brex
Edited on on Wed Jan 31st, 2018 @ 11:23am

1,463 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

The background hum of the Endeavour seemed louder than normal, but Alistar figured it was because there wasn't much background conversation going on. As he walked across the bridge to his command chair, he nodded towards the few officers and crew who were at their stations. Commander Sato was leading the away teams, mostly since she had to go over to the station as well. Commander Silvisi was sitting in her own seat, reading over something as he walked up. "Please tell me that's not another request list from the station," he said as he sat down.

"It's actually a book I downloaded so I'd have something to do while we're literally doing nothing," Isabella said in response to the captain's offhand comment. She hadn't even looked up, nor did she do so until she reached the end of the paragraph and highlighted her place. Tucking the Padd away, she looked up and hoped that her captain wouldn't be too upset with her. Isabella rarely bent the rules, but she always felt guilty when she did so. As first officer, her job was to help set an example. True enough, with the ship had docked to the station, the ship was at a more relaxed routine, but there were still standards to uphold. "I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to keep up with my reading much lately."

"So the workaholic does relax from time to time," Alistar said with a chuckle. "Just try to keep the minions from finding out. They're likely to all demand a siesta or something."

"Thank you, Captain," Isabella said quietly, both surprised and relieved that he wasn't upset.

"You do deserve some down time, and we're docked. If anything, I expected to see you taking some down time," Alistar said as he waved the entire topic away. "So, how are the work bees doing?"

"dei`Silvisi to Sato, how are the teams coming along?" Isabella asked after tapping the communications panel built into the side console between her and the captain.

Akira grumbled as she stepped on board the station along with several members of the crew. Putting the away teams together had taken longer than expected, but they were finally getting on to getting things done. It raked her nerves that they had to provide assistance to the station just for a few hours of shore leave, but the captain had already agreed to it and there wasn't much that she could do. She had already growled at the station security forces for being so lax in their duties in several areas, and she was heading towards the armory with Connor when the first officer's query came through.

"Sato here, Commander. I'm heading to station security now, I'm not sure about what the other teams are doing right this moment," Akira replied.

Jera had headed over to the station with T'lon ahead of the rest of the away teams, knowing that she had a long day ahead of her already. The Alpha class stations had originally being built with two fusion reactors for power and the science station was no different. Standing in the engineering section of the station, she sighed as she eyed the main power systems of the station and slowly shook her head as she took note of just how badly the station needed an upgrade. Beside her, the station's chief engineer and T'lon both stood as Jera took in the reactors and the conditions of the power lines. "Wow, just wow," she finally said. "I'm surprised that you have power to the entire station and don't have power systems all over the station shorting out."

"Indeed, I must agree with Lieutenant Ros's statement," T'lon said. He had been forced to agree in the conditions of the station power systems. "The fact that you have rerouted the primary ODN conduits that way that you have done so is illogical and ill advised. The secondary power lines have too much power running through them as well."

"I don't see the problem here. Everything works just fine," the station senior engineer said.

Jera made a growling noise of pure aggravation. "How in the hell do you call yourself an engineer?" she snapped, feeling her temper rise. "The ODN lines are rerouted throughout the entire station directly to systems without going through relays and safety systems. The secondary power lines will blow the first time you have a power overloading event happen, which will happen sooner or later. How the lines haven't blown already and smeared your idiocy across this compartment is beyond me."

"We had to run the lines this way in order to provide power to the entire station. What else were we to do?" the engineer asked.

"You could try replacing the lines when they wear out instead of adding new lines and rerouting power through systems that don't need the extra workload," Jera snapped. Shaking her head, she turned towards T'lon. "Think you can sort out this mess?" she asked.

"I highly doubt my abilities will suffice alone," T'lon answered. "I would like to request Lieutenant Walker to provide assistance. He has an excellent quality on power allocation and repair."

"You got him," Jera said before tapping her comm badge. "Ros to Walker. Stop playing around and get over to the station. You get to earn your keep today."

On the Endeavour, Kev looked up at the sound of the chief's voice. Hearing her, he groaned. "Yes, Ma'am," he finally said. "Great. She can't give me one day without bugging the crap out of me," he muttered as he started gathering his tools.

Abigail had been grateful for the chance to do something other than sit around in sickbay all day. For the most part, medical didn't have much to do on a day to day basis, unless the ship got involved in some form of situation and then they would be swamped. But to provide medical assistance to a science station, that was something different from the norm that had become routine and she welcomed it. Dragging over two crates of medical supplies that had been taking up space, she happily delivered them to the station infirmary before checking the station's equipment. It was slightly dated, but nothing was out of date so she bid the medical personnel good day and started back to the ship, making sure she took her time in doing so.

Kev grumbled as he walked onto the station with his tools and a couple of engineers in tow. It had sounded like the stations power problem would end up being a total nightmare, so he had grabbed a couple of people who hadn't been doing anything on his way. Heading to the engineering section, he started whistling in order to cope with the fact that he was far from happy. Entering the engineering compartment, he saw T'lon and grinned. "Hey, T'man. How is the walking dictionary doing today?"

"I am well enough, Lieutenant Walker. I would ask you on your condition, but seeing as how you are walking, talking, and apparently breathing, I would assume that you are well enough to perform your duties," T'lon said in return.

Kaylyn had followed Walker over to the station to help out. Being a civilian specialist, it made sense for her to help out on the station. She found the change in routine a welcome distraction. Hearing Walker and the operations officer banter back and forth, she chuckled and started checking the power readings, her humor vanishing quickly.

Akira had arrived at the armory and checked the entire stockpile of weapons that the station had. It was impressive that such an idiot filled department hadn't managed to fire off their entire arsenal in target practice, but she relented and had given a few tips here and there. Finishing up, she turned to go, leaving a rating behind to finish giving the station security forces a tip or two in additional training.

--- Near Science Station D-5 ---

The creature known as Brex studied the readings on his screen carefully. He had planned the raid on D-5 carefully, and although he had worried with the presence of a Starfleet ship at first he had come to see the addition as a gift. The crew roster for the ship, like the station, had something he needed and he intended to collect. Leaning back in his seat, he nodded. It would take his entire force to assault the station with an Intrepid class ship there, but it could be done. It would be done. He was hungry. Like always, the hunger was there, only recently had it become more pressing. He needed to feed on what had become his sustenance. Nodding his head, he spoke to his lieutenants. "Begin," he said.



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