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241509.06 Joint Log: The Battle of Lambda Hydrae Part II

Posted on Mon Sep 7th, 2015 @ 4:06am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Ensign Corrigan Landon & Lieutenant JG Daniel Holland & Ensign Natsume Ayuhara & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 6:31am

1,502 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

-Bridge of the Endeavour-

"Sir, the Klingons are opening fire!" Sato reported from tactical as a fresh bank of alarms rang out. The Endeavour rocked slightly as the Klingons fired and their shots slammed against the Endeavour's shields.


Jera grumbled as the ship rocked from side to side. "Bloody Klingons!" she snarled. "I just got every system and subsystem catalogued and set up properly."

""Yeah, but you know ship captains. They just got to frak the brand new ship all up," Jera's senior ranking NCO muttered.


"Return fire, set phaser capacitors to maximum output. Helm, engage attack pattern beta, stand by to engage attack pattern kappa 020!" Alistar ordered as he activated the command console beside his chair. He quickly glanced at the ship wide status reports before he focused on the tactical combat readouts. The BoPs were all using a classic swarm attack pattern, which meant that they would all rush past the Endeavour and fire their weapons as they did so, but then they would have to turn about and focus back on the Endeavour. The Mrotzhol was a different story, the Vor'Cha had banks of disruptors similar to the Endeavour's phasers, but she wasn't very maneuverable. If he ordered kappa 020, then it was possible for Holland to direct the Endeavour into the asteroid field at the helm officer's description.

"Kappa 020, aye, sir," Holland said and sent the Endeavour along the trajectory he had calculated through the enemy ships. The ship rocked under the enemy bombardment, but he held his course towards the asteroid field. The enemy ships didn't seem to notice his goal at first, the arc of his course not being immediately clear, but somebody on the other side finally realized that the target was the asteroid field. The Klingon ships moved to close the gap and prevent Endeavour from reaching her goal and Holland reported tensely, "We're being boxed in, sir!"

Another direct hit rocked the Endeavour hard and Alistar had to actually cling to the arms of his chair in order to remain seated. He barely held on as a series of direct hits seemed to stagger the ship and his feet slid across the deck. Not everyone else was so lucky. Several people went flying across the bridge. An EPS power node at ops exploded and threw the ops officer and the petty officer on duty across the bridge and to the deck where they stayed.

Isabella clung to her chair as if her life depended on it. She had already given up counting how many times the Endeavour had been hit, but one thing was burned through her brain: The Klingon ship was hitting the Endeavour with weapons far more powerful than a simple Vor’Cha class attack cruiser should have. The ship seemed to level out, and Isabella instantly stood and rushed across the bridge to the operations station. She didn’t have a tricorder, so she simply pressed her finger to the chief operations officer’s wrist and felt for a pulse. Finding one, she repeated the process on the petty officer and breathed a sigh of relief before tapping her commbadge.

“Medical team to the bridge,” Isabella said before she stood and moved on to the next injured crewman.

- Sickbay -
Sickbay rocked as volley after volley slammed against the Endeavour, and it seemed with each volley, two more wounded had graced his doorstep. Corrigan had all that he could do to stay steady as he moved from patient to patient. As anticipated, the staff was efficient, and so far nothing serious had come through the door... yet. He had decided to program the sickbay doors to remain open, it not only meant easier access, but it also meant the difference between life and death. Those few seconds the doors needed to open, meant a few seconds he wouldn't be able to get to someone.

As he worked, the sickbay comm system came to life. The medical bay filled with the voice of a female, which he recognized as the XO's. He did a quick glance around his sickbay, to see who he could spare. "Sanchez, Cornwall," Corrigan called out over the din, "get to the bridge..."


Akira bent over her station console and concentrated as she targeted the Klingon attack ships and fired. The Endeavour’s phasers lashed out and struck the shields of the Klingon ships, each strike doing its best to weaken and overload the shield emitters and matrixes of the enemy ships and expose the bare hull metal beneath. By default, Starfleet ships set the phaser capacitors to allow only seventy to eighty percent of the phasers total damaging output to be released in each strike, however, Commander McKeon’s orders allowed her to use the full raw power of the phasers. Each burst of the phasers did more damage than the Klingons were most likely use to, and the shields of their ships were overcome quickly.

They responded by swarming the Endeavour, which wasn’t a problem until the Mrotzhol finally got a clear shot. The power readings of the Vor’Char class cruiser sent off an alarm that Akira turned to glance at seconds before the Mrotzhol fired. The powerful bursts of disruptor fire slammed into the Endeavour’s shields repeatedly, and it was all Akira could do to stay at her station. When the Endeavour finally staggered out of the maelstrom, Akira silently snarled at her console readings.

"Damage report!" Alistar snapped.

"Direct hits from the Mrotzhol. Shields down to forty seven percent, minor damage across all decks," Akira reported unhappily.

"Valenar, take over ops!" Alistar snapped. "Helm, engines to full sub light speed, attack pattern omega 3, put us in that asteroid field!"

"Omega 3, aye," Holland sent the Endeavour into a spin that faked a dive, but then pulled out of it and veered back and forth randomly. It seemed to confuse the enemy and Holland's eyes widened as an unexpected gap opened up in the enemy formation. He didn't hesitate but dived for it, Endeavour slicing between two enemy BoP's as she headed for the asteroid field.

Akira grinned as Holland set the Endeavour between a pair of Klingon ships. Arming the quantum torpedo launchers, she targeted the two ships as they scattered before the Endeavour and fired, the fully charged phasers slicing through the Klingon ships shields and exposing the ships themselves. Akira fired two torpedoes at each ship, the explosion from the warheads contacting directly with the hulls of the ships and destroying them in a pair of eye burning fireballs.

"We're in the asteroid field, sir," Holland reported as Endeavour moved deeper into the asteroid field and Holland was suddenly busy dodging massive rocks as well as enemy fire, "But the Klingons are in pursuit."

‘Not for long,’ Akira thought as she targeted several asteroids with the aft torpedo launchers. It was a waste of torpedoes, but it would be best to ask forgiveness than permission, so the Japanese Officer grinned and fired. Four torpedoes launched and darted towards the nearest asteroids, causing a massive series of explosions that broke the asteroids apart. From what she could see on her sensors, the exploding asteroids sent out a massive shower of rocks that hammered the Klingons.

"What in the hell is that man doing to my ship?!" Jera snapped as she crawled back off the deck for the second time. Her first encounter with the deck hadn't been so bad, but this last time she had managed to catch the edge of a drawer that had slid open during all of the rocking from the weapons hits with her shoulder. The edges had ripped through her uniform jacket and slice open her shoulder, but it wasn't so bad that she needed to run to sickbay.

"Um, LT, we got a problem," one of the systems controllers said.

"Don't tell me we've got a problem when we're in the middle of a shooting match with Klingons!" Jera said as she limped over. "What?"

"Shields aren't recharging quick enough. The matrix is drawing power, but there's a problem with the regeneration nodes, so the power isn't going to the emitters."

"It's bleeding out somewhere in the lines," Jera said before the slapped her commbadge. "Ros to bridge. We've got a problem."

"I really don't want to hear that right now, lieutenant!" Alistar snapped as he studied the tactical situation. "What problem do you have?"

"The shield matrix isn't getting any power. That means the shields won't recharge. So if the captain can stop getting holes blown into the ship for a bit, we'll try to get it fixed," Jera said, unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

"Get it fixed, Ms Ros. That's why you're the chief engineer," Alistar said before he cut the channel.

"Right," Jera said as she turned and grabbed an engineering kit. "Chief, you have engineering until I get back," she said before she charged out of engineering.

To be continued.


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